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Make Sure Your Yard's Protected from Mosquitoes & Ticks Even When the Kids Are in School

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 24, 2018

While it may not feel like it, summer is nearly over. At least, the part of summer when the kids are home from school nearly every day of the week. If you’re currently a Mosquito Squad customer and your mosquito and tick treatments are going to end prior to the end of September, then consider adding on additional treatments, specifically for ticks. While the weather may turn towards cooler evenings, come September, that doesn’t mean the mosquitoes and ticks are going anywhere anytime soon. That’s why it’s important to be vigilant and proactive. Make sure your yard is tick and mosquito free, don’t “hope” it is. Call Mosquito Squad of Worcester today at (508) 388-5640!

If you think, for one second, your kids aren’t going to head for the outdoors as quickly as possible once the school day is over, then you’re mistaken. Once school is back in action, the days will be perfect for going outdoors and escaping the indoors. In fact, you too will want to sit on your patio or deck and enjoy the slow but steady progression towards the fall months. However, if you have mosquitoes and ticks in your yard, it’s going to be very difficult and uncomfortable to try and do so. Remember, right here in Worcester, ticks are transmitting Lyme disease at an alarming rate. Reduce your yard’s tick population by 85 – 90% by simply calling the tick control experts at Mosquito Squad of Worcester.

Then, we have the tailgating season. This, for all New England and other NFL fans, is an incredible time of year. While you’re grilling out in the backyard, wouldn’t it be nice to not even have to think about ticks or mosquitoes? When your guests are over trying to enjoy a brat on the porch, do you want them swatting at pesky mosquitoes? At Mosquito Squad of Worcester, we believe you should be able to enjoy your yard no matter what time of day or year it is. That’s why we offer comprehensive, highly effective mosquito and tick control services. Make sure your gameday get-togethers are free of all biting and annoying insects.

To find out how Mosquito Squad of Worcester can keep your yard free of ticks and mosquitoes during the late summer and fall, call us today at (508) 388-5640 or email us at worcester@mosquitosquad.com. We look forward to hearing from you soon!