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The First Case of Zika Virus Confirmed in South Carolina

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 11, 2018

The Zika Virus has come to South Carolina. The case was the first confirmed case of Zika in the state and was transmitted to the patient while they were traveling out of the country in an area where Zika is actively being transmitted.

The person began feeling ill while they were still abroad. By the time the patient returned to South Carolina they were no longer sick or contagious, bringing no risk for spreading Zika home.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control SCDHEC is closely monitoring the arrival of any new disease that arrives in the state in an effort to slow or stop the spreading of the illness. SCDHEC monitors the mosquito population and mosquito-borne diseases.

Education & Prevention is Our Best Protection Against Zika

With no cases of Zika being locally transmitted in North or South Carolina, it is important to understand that all precautions taken are to keep it this way. The Zika Virus can spread to mosquitoes from infected humans. This fact allows for the easy spread of the virus if someone does come back with a Zika infection and is bitten by local mosquitoes. The Aedes Aegypti & Aedes Albopictus mosquitoes are both present in the area and are at present the main vectors in the Zika outbreaks in Mexico, the Caribbean and South America.

Zika Virus can also be transmitted through sexual activity. With so many ways for the virus to be easily spread and the danger it brings to pregnant women and their infants, it is important to stay vigilant with prevention efforts.

Remember to follow the 5 T’s of mosquito control and consider our traditional mosquito barrier treatment. Eliminating 85-90% of the mosquitos in your yard and lasting for up to 3 weeks, our mosquito repellant is our most popular service. Sign up for the season and we’ll automatically respray for a season of mosquito-free outdoor living.

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