Springtime Hatching in Wilmington & Myrtle Beach Includes Mosquitoes
Posted by Mosquito Squad
March 20, 2018
Spring will officially be upon us this week. It’s an exciting time, especially in light of this year’s particularly chilly winter. Springtime brings flowers, warm breezes, new leaves, and hatching baby birds. It’s a wonderful time. But birds aren’t the only creatures hatching now. Mosquitoes are too.
Did you know that mosquito eggs live through the winter? They do. Though some can hibernate, most mosquito species cannot survive the winter as adults. They die off in November after temperatures begin to average below 50 degrees, but their eggs don’t die (or we would have far fewer mosquitoes to contend with). Mosquito eggs can survive in standing water even if it freezes. When the temperatures begin to rise again during the spring, these eggs hatch and become larvae. Mosquito larvae need water to develop and thrive. They spend the first 7-14 days of their lives there. This winter season has been particularly wet. With so much rain and melting snow, there is more standing water in our area than normal, giving both eggs and larvae more places to grow and develop.
Mosquito control is actually a year-round process. During the winter, ensuring that ditches and streams drain helps reduce areas that are hospitable to their development. As the weather warms, be sure you are eliminating mosquito eggs before they hatch by calling Mosquito Squad of Wilmington and Myrtle Beach. Our treatments target mosquitoes in each phase of their lives, and now is the time to stop those eggs from becoming larvae. If you are worried about treatment effects on your property, rest easy. Our treatments are registered with the EPA. They are approved for use around your home and are extremely effective at reducing the mosquito population, all while maintaining a safe environment for your family and pets.
As beautiful and miraculous as spring is, all hatching isn’t desirable. Protect yourself and your family from mosquito-bourne illnesses and painful bites this spring by contacting Mosquito Squad of Wilmington and Myrtle Beach. Throughout mosquito season, we will be there to keep those undesirable hatchers at bay.