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When is Tick Season in Virginia?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 3, 2024

When is Tick Season in Virginia?

In Virginia, nature beckons us outside as soon as spring returns, but the presence of ticks can be a significant concern for residents in Williamsburg, especially for those who love spending time outdoors. Understanding when tick season occurs is crucial for preventing tick bites and the diseases they can transmit. Let’s dig into what risks exist from living in proximity to ticks in our state and some measures you can take to help keep ticks away from you and your property.

Tick Season in VA: Key Months to Watch

While ticks can be active year-round, they are most active during the warmer months, from April to September. This is the time when ticks are most likely to encounter humans and pets as people spend more time spending time outside. In Virginia, the peak months for tick activity are typically June and July, according to local health agencies. During these months, ticks are not only more abundant but also more likely to carry pathogens such as the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease.

Understanding the Risks of Lyme Disease in VA

Ticks, particularly the black-legged tick (also known as the deer tick), are known vectors of Lyme disease. In Virginia, about 15% of ticks carry this disease, which can lead to serious health issues if not treated promptly. Lyme disease is often identified by a characteristic bull's-eye rash, but if left untreated, it can lead to neurological problems, chronic joint inflammation, and other severe health issues. Lyme disease doesn’t always present with a rash, so it is good to know some of the other symptoms as well.

Prevention Strategies During Tick Season

To help yourself and your loved ones during tick season in VA, it is essential to take proactive steps like these to keep ticks at bay:

Clothing and gear: Use clothing and gear treated with permethrin, a synthetic insecticide that is highly effective against ticks. Treating your clothing and gear before heading out on a hike or any outdoor activity can provide an extra layer of protection. Wearing this clothing in your garden or when doing yardwork is also important as ticks may be on your property as well.

Avoid risky areas: Try to avoid walking through tall grass, brush, or heavily wooded areas where ticks are prevalent. If you are on a trail, walk in the center to minimize contact with vegetation where ticks may be waiting.

Regular tick checks: After spending time outdoors, especially in areas known for ticks, perform thorough checks on yourself, your children, and pets. Prompt removal of ticks can significantly reduce the risk of disease transmission. Ticks are quite small even as adults, but adolescent ticks may be no larger than a poppy seed. Keep an eye on any dark spots or bumps so you don’t miss one of these parasites on your person.

Professional Williamsburg Tick Control

While DIY tick control methods can help, relying on professional assistance is the best method for keeping ticks away from you and your property. With the help of our tick control treatments, you can expect a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property, thereby reducing the likelihood of encountering dangerous tick-borne diseases. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, know that we always have your back!

Ticks are a serious concern in Virginia, especially during the warmer months when they are most active. Ticks are a concern from April to September. To help defend against these parasites, rely on Mosquito Squad of Williamsburg for expert tick control. Give us a call at (757) 906-6058 or sign up today!

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