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  • Make Sure Your Spring Ticks Fall in Autumn with Essential Fall Tick Control Services in St. Louis

Make Sure Your Spring Ticks Fall in Autumn with Essential Fall Tick Control Services in St. Louis

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

As the stores stock their shelves with Halloween treats and Holiday lights, you may be relishing the idea of the approaching sweater weather. While the dissipation of late summer heat is top of mind, you may also be thinking of all things autumnal. Cider mills, pumpkin patches, your favorite hoodie, football, and best of all – adios insects! For a few months at least.

Well, that last one might not be entirely accurate.

Mosquitoes will be inactive once the high temps stick down in the 50s and 60s, but our buddy Mr. Tick won’t let the cooldown slow him down. Ticks, a growing problem in our area, actually will stay active all winter if the conditions are right. Without deep snow or sub-zero temperatures, you could easily be picking ticks off yourself or your dog from a winter stroll in the woods.

Avoiding Ticks in Autumn and Winter

tick on a cat's paw

One benefit of the cooling temperatures and falling leaves, is that the underbrush in the woods will thin out – leaving the ticks with fewer places to hide. However, as that process takes place, the fallen leaves themselves become the ultimate tick haven. Ticks can stay warm and snug under them, coming out to latch on when the opportunity presents itself.

If you have deciduous trees on your property, clean up leaves often, and take tick safety seriously when doing so. These leaves could be chock full of ticks looking for a blood meal before laying their eggs or overwintering.

Fall Tick Control Services

Even if you deploy professional tick control on your property this fall, we do still urge you to take tick safety precautions when cleaning up leaves. That being said, with our tick reduction services, you can reduce the ticks now, before the leaves fall. This time of year – many of the ticks are adults who need blood to produce their eggs – soon-to-be offspring. Reducing ticks NOW, is an excellent time to reduce the large volumes of ticks that could have hatched in the spring.

Spring tick reduction starts here and now. With fall tick control, you can not only enjoy your property during the winter with fewer ticks, but you can rest easy knowing you’ll have significantly fewer ticks to contend with in spring.

Call today for a free estimate.