Does Perfume Work as a Mosquito Repellent?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

TikTok is great for rumors and short-lived “hacks” that are all the rage in selling products or starting trends that only cause more harm than good. One of the more recent ones gaining momentum around the internet is using perfume as an alternative to mosquito repellent. The answer may surprise you, but when you get down to the bottom of it, you will see why it’s a terrible idea to use perfume for mosquito repellent.
The Results are in for Perfume as a Mosquito Repellent
As unfathomable as it might seem, there are some merits in this TikTok “hack” that has been making the rounds. In 2015, a study published in the Journal of Insect Science found that some perfumes were viable in repelling mosquitoes. The unfortunate side of this study is that the results the researchers got were by using a high concentration of perfume and warned that any lower concentration would likely prove not as effective.
If anyone used the amount hinted at in this study, it would likely keep everyone away, not just the insects, and as effective as that might be, that seems counterintuitive for the use of perfume. Not to mention the effect it would have on your pocketbook.
It’s cheaper and more effective to get a can of bug spray to keep yourself safe from mosquitoes. Not to mention you don’t have to reapply perfume for it to work constantly.
While trying untested or gimmicky solutions to mosquito control, try Mosquito Squad’s 7 T’s of Mosquito Control. These seven guidelines help reduce mosquitoes around your property, lowering your risk of dangerous diseases and annoying bites from those pesky bloodsuckers.
What Attracts Mosquitoes?
It might surprise many to learn, but mosquitoes feed on flower nectar, plant saps, honeydew, and other fluids from plants. The only time mosquitoes eat blood is when a female is ready to reproduce, she needs the proteins in the blood to make eggs. This means floral scents attract mosquitoes. What also attracts mosquitoes are things we can’t control, such as carbon dioxide when we breathe out, body odor, lactic acid from being physically active, and sweat.
What is The Best Form of Mosquito Control?
Though you might not be happy with the answer, proven repellents are worth the investment if it means protection from mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile Virus or Malaria. If you do find yourself bitten while trying inefficient mosquito control, we recommend you read up on how to get mosquito bite relief that actually works. While you’re holding ice to your bites or slathering on baking soda paste, you might want to contact Mosquito Squad of West St. Louis for protection around your home that works.
Mosquito Squad of West St. Louis’ most trusted mosquito control is our Traditional Mosquito Barrier Treatment. This treatment lasts up to three weeks and reduces mosquitoes in your yard by up to 90%.
If you’d rather have an naturaloption with a pleasant aroma, and if you’re into perfumes, we know you are, then try out Natural Mosquito Treatment Option. Lasting 14 to 21 days, our non-synthetic mosquito treatment uses natural oils as a repellent and is registered with the EPA. Caring for the ecosystem is our top priority, and our chemical-free, natural repellent protects not only you but pollinators and foliage as well. If you or a loved one is sensitive to synthetics or other chemical compounds, Mosquito Squad’s natural mosquito control is the smart choice for their wellbeing.
Using perfume as a mosquito repellent is never a good idea. There are many reasons to use tried and true mosquito repellent to reduce your chance of getting mosquito bites. Following the 7 T’s of mosquito control will help to reduce the possibility of mosquitoes breeding in your yard, along with calling Mosquito Squad of West St. Louis County to treat your yard for an 85 – 90% reduction in mosquitoes. Call us today for a free quote for your West St. Louis County mosquito control needs.