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What Can I Do to Prevent Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus at My Creve Coeur Home?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

What Can I Do to Prevent Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus at My Creve Coeur Home?

As summer came to a close last year, EEE and WNV were heavy in the news. It was a busy season for mosquitoes and the diseases that they carry. Unfortunately, the forecast is a repeat.

The National Weather Service is predicting high water levels and river flooding this spring for the second year in a row. Missouri Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer has expressed his concerns about the water levels of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers as well. Already saturated soil and reservoirs still full from last year will make flooding from heavy rain happen quickly in the interior of the country. As these two rivers surround Creve Coeur and all of West St. Louis, there is no doubt we will be affected.

Don’t forget: Mosquitoes Love Water

Picture of a lake

They don’t just love it; they thrive in it. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water and flooding tends to create happy little mosquito homes all over the place. With such excellent breading conditions and an early start, Creve Coeur mosquito control is more important than ever. The height of disease risk comes at the end of the summer. During a particularly wet year, that gives plenty of time for the mosquito population to double, triple, quadruple without due diligence in prevention.Preventing mosquito growth is essential under these conditions.

How to Prevent Population Growth and Lower the Risk of Mosquito-Borne Disease

Lowering your risk for disease begins with the basics. The correct mosquito repellent and clothing when you are outside for extended periods of time will keep you protected from mosquito bites. Add to that, checking your door seals for leaks and window screens for holes to make sure those little pests keep their homes outdoors.

However, our effect on the actual population of mosquitoes is what will really make a difference in lowering the risk of infection as a community. With the possibility of heavy flooding, keeping your own yard in tip-top shape is a must. Follow the 7Ts of mosquito control to keep your home as clear as possible of places that mosquitoes can breed.

Professional Mosquito Control: Why You Should Start Today

Yes, you can make a difference with each small thing that you do, but is there one way to make the biggest difference? We think there is. By beginning professional, regularly scheduled mosquito treatments in the pre-season, you won’t spend your summer fighting an existing mosquito population. Instead, you are helping prevent its existence, to begin with. As you search for Creve Coeur mosquito companies, you won’t find one better in prevention than Mosquito Squad of West St. Louis. Our barrier treatment eliminates up to 90% of existing mosquitoes and continues to work for up to three weeks. By beginning treatment now, in the pre-season, you are assuring that you will be dealing with the fewest mosquitoes possible when the height of mosquito-borne illness season hits.

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