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Winterizing Your St. Louis Area Home Against Insects

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Winterizing Your St. Louis Area Home Against Insects

Summer comes and goes so fast that you feel like one long hard blink and you’ve missed the whole thing. Yet here it is, almost time to deflate the pool toys, roll up the slip and slide, fold up your swimsuit, and put away the patio umbrella. You might be thinking that the one positive to the end of warm weather is the disappearance of the nasty little pests that come with it. Well… we may have to burst your bubble a little.

Not All Pests Go Away in Winter

Winter mosquito squad sign

Did you know that there are some pests that just go dormant in winter? They are called overwintering pests, and they can survive in your leaves, your mulch, or even sneak into your home during the winter months. Fleas, gnats, and Lyme carrying ticks can survive in much colder weather than you might think, and that doesn’t even take into consideration that our winters aren’t often as cold as they used to be.

These pests aren’t necessarily as active as they are in warmer months, but still, they are there, and if they find the slightest opportunity to make it inside your home, be sure these bugs will take it. Pests can creep into the woodwork under your siding or through window cracks and screens to stay warm during cold months. Then either they infest your home or wait for warmer weather, and you’re instantly bombarded. The one thing worse than having yucky little bugs bother you while you are outdoors during the summer would be to find they’ve found their way INSIDE your home to stay warm during the winter!

Continuous Pest Control All Year Long

Saving a little money during the winter months by halting your professional pest control service may sound attractive initially, but if you end up with an extended fight at the first signs of spring, what will you have saved?

Mosquito Squad of West St. Louis now offers a winter protection plan that will help to eliminate the overwintering pests as well as get a head start on pest-free living this spring! By using the barrier treatment that you already know and trust, combined with a granular spread across your entire lawn, we eliminate the overwintering pests where they take refuge. The service might be a little new, but the experience will be the one you’ve come to depend on for many years. Call today for an estimate in winter pest control, and let us keep you pest free right on through to spring. Mosquito Squad of West St. Louis is your best choice, YEAR ROUND!

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