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Spring is here – but it feels kinda like summer!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 3, 2012

If you’re like us, you’re out in the garden the first sign of warm weather.  Well Mother Nature got the jump on us this year.  Spring is feeling more and more like summer.  It is time to break out the spades sheers and shovels and get the yard and garden ready.  Here are a few quick tips for sprucing things up so you’re ahead of the game and can spend more time enjoy your yard this summer!

  • Clean out dead annuals
  • Cut back your shrubs, grasses and other perennials that may need it.
  • Start weeding early – It is much easier when the soil is moist from the spring rains
  • Divide and conquer – Splitting plants early is better for them, and easier on the eyes!  Splitting early gives the plants time to recover so they are beautiful for the summer months!
  • Depending on the type of rose, some need pruning of all leaves to wake up the plant to start growing again.
  • Tidy up your evergreens.
  • Fertilize!!

April showers bring may flowers – so remember to watch for areas of pooled water. These are the areas where mosquitoes lay their eggs.  Eliminating these areas stops those eggs from hatching and turning into stinging adults.

Mosquito Squad of Waukesha County is here for your mosquito and tick protection.  Give us a call for a quote and enjoy your time outdoors this summer!

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