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Outdoor Family Fun

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 19, 2018

Even on the nicest of days we all can be guilty of spending that time indoors.  It is less than appealing when that all too familiar buzz from the mosquitoes drive you back indoors. 

It’s time to call the professionals at Mosquito Squad.  We specialize in the reduction and control of mosquitoes and ticks.  Our solutions give you the opportunity to regain control of your property and take back your yard.  

With mosquitoes and ticks eliminated, it’s now time to take those indoor activities back outside!  The possibilities are endless!  From festivals and barbecues to everyday activities.   

Rebecca Shinners shared with Country Living 15 Ways to Spend Time Outdoors This Summer.  Here are some of our favorites that we tried and found a whole lot of fun while creating a lot of memories simply by moving them outdoors.

  • Invest in a projector and have a movie night under the stars.  
  • Hang a hammock, create a special nook, or pull up a comfy chaise lounge chair and read a book.
  • Create a crafting area outdoors.
  • Have family game night outside- from checkers to lawn darts to badminton.  Create your own DIY lawn twister game.  
  • Give your pets a bath outside.
  • Nighttime glow in the dark bowling- create your own DIY bowling pins.
  • Camping trip in the backyard.
  • Create an outdoor office and take your work outside.

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