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Mosquito Population On The Rise

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Mosquito Population On The Rise

In 2017, the CDC reported that over the last 13 years, the number of illnesses caused by mosquitoes, ticks, and flea bites has tripled in the United States. As temperatures rise across the United States, the risk for mosquito-borne diseases increases. Although there is a variety of mosquitoes found throughout the U.S., researchers focus on two species in particular: the Culex and the Aedes. Both types transmit West Nile Virus while the Aedes transmit other dangerous diseases such as Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, and Yellow Fever. The Medical Society Consortium analyzes and reports on Climate Science. They warn that among the many consequences of climate change is the shift in pattern, incidence, and location of insect-borne diseases, including those spread by mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. They have analyzed the number of days in Spring, Summer, and Fall with temperatures between 61 and 93 degrees Fahrenheit from 1970-2017. This is the temperature range for disease danger from both the Aedes and Culex mosquitoes. In the 244 cities, 94 percent fell into the category of "disease danger days". Along with tackling the many causes of global warming and its consequences on health, they are also calling of government officials to help reduce the spread of these illnesses saying they should build and sustain programs that test for and track vector borne diseases. There should be more education for the public on how to best prevent bites and control the spread of germs by the mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas within their communities. Minimally, all families should be doing the following regularly around their property:

  • Tip anything over that may be holding water such as potted plants and tires
  • Toss debris such as leaves and sticks
  • Turn over items such as toys and bird baths
  • Tarp Removal
  • Take Care in looking around property daily for standing water
  • Team Up with a Professional
  • Treat Regularly

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