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Mommy Activities

Posted by Mosquito Squad

April 3, 2018

Kids are constantly learning.   What they learn depends on what they experience.  Below are some ideas to help create quality learning opportunities within the community.

Come learn and play on the Born Learning Trail.  The interactive trail promotes fun games and activities important in childhood learning.  The trail’s theme of Watch? Stop? Learn? Play?encourages parents and caregivers to follow the child’s lead, building the child’s curiosity and confidence, and reinforcing the learning already underway.  There are several Born Learning Trails in the area in which to participate. 

Enjoy water activities at Swimtastic.  Go online to get your complimentary family pass and go try out swimtastic- the water temperature is  maintained at 90 degrees for your comfort.  They offer a variety of swimming opportunities for infants, toddlers, young children, and entire families.

Enjoy a workout built around you being a mom.  Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, if you are a mom who wants to work out, Fit4Mom offers a variety of classes.  They provide the opportunity to enjoy a workout that is flexible and while supporting motherhood.  Fit4Mom is located in Brookfield/Tosa.

There are so many events at the Milwaukee County Zoo.   The zoo is always educating, entertaining, and inspiring and always a place where everyone can laugh and learn.  Click here to discover what special days you can schedule your day at the zoo.

Join a Mom’s Group in your area.  There are several mom’s groups offering a variety of activities. These groups are an opportunity to develop a support system, build friendships, and provide nurturing activities for children.  Here is one example in Waukesha County called Waukesha County Stay At Home Moms.

There are many opportunities to build memorable experiences with activities and events offered in the community.  When spending some quality time at home, Mosquito Squad wants to protect your families and pets from the nuisance and dangers mosquitoes and ticks can bring.  

Fight the Bite with Mosquito Squad- the most trusted professional mosquito and tick elimination for everyday outdoor living.  Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

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