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Fight Back with Our Waukesha Mosquito Control Solutions

Posted by Mosquito Squad

March 11, 2025

Fight Back with Our Waukesha Mosquito Control Solutions

Warmer temperatures mean spending more time outdoors – unfortunately, that can also mean more exposure to mosquitoes. When mosquitoes are active, you may end up with fifty or more mosquito bites a day! If your patience is growing thin, it’s time to consider Mosquito Squad for all your Waukesha mosquito control needs.

You May Be at Risk for Mosquito-Borne Disease

In addition to the discomfort and itchiness brought on by their irritating bites, mosquitoes are known vectors, or carriers, of several diseases, even here in the United States.

West Nile Virus

Known more informally as WNV, this disease is the most prevalent mosquito-borne illness in the country. Around 20% of those who are infected will develop flu-like symptoms. A smaller portion of those who are exposed may experience severe complications.

Zika Virus

Though Zika is no longer as much of a threat as it was a few years ago, it’s still an issue of concern. You may need to take extra caution if you’re expecting, as infections may cause significant birth defects in unborn children.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis

EEE is relatively rare, but it’s one of the most serious mosquito-borne illnesses found in the U.S. When left untreated, it can result in brain inflammation and lead to cognitive issues or even coma.

Heartworm Disease

If you have pets, especially dogs, it’s important to keep them up to date on their heartworm prevention medication. This disease is found in thousands of dogs each year, and treatment is costly and debilitating.

Our Recommended Steps for Managing Mosquitoes

Using guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as our own track record for effectively dealing with mosquitoes, we’ve developed a list of strategies for dealing with mosquitoes at home. We call these steps our 7 T’s of Mosquito Control , and they are:

  1. Tip over any container that could collect water outdoors.
  2. Toss out all your yard debris promptly.
  3. Turnover everything when you’re not using it so that water doesn’t gather.
  4. Make sure your tarps are taut so that pools of water do not form.
  5. Take care of your home consistently and see to regular maintenance tasks like clearing out your gutters.
  6. Team upwith your neighbors to see what they’re doing to remove standing water throughout the neighborhood
  7. Treatyour yard – and yourself – with Mosquito Squad’s effective treatments.

How Mosquito Squad Fights Back Against Mosquitoes

If you’re tired of dealing with mosquitoes, and you’ve done your due diligence removing sources of standing water from your property, your next step is to turn to the professionals. Our professional Waukesha mosquito control treatments are powerful solutions that can reduce mosquitoes by up to 85-90% for up to 21 days after application. In order to better serve our customers and their wide range of preferences, we have two treatment options: our classic barrier protection spray and our natural alternative spray .

Whichever you choose, you’ll need regular treatment applications in order to maintain control. Fortunately, you won’t have to deal with the hassle of scheduling treatments yourself – we’ll take care of that part with our subscription plans. We also recommend looking into our automatic misting system for ongoing protection, which requires minimal effort.

If you need something a little more short-term, such as for an upcoming outdoor gathering, ask us about our special event sprays , which can help keep you and your guests comfortable!

Why should I hire Mosquito Squad for Waukesha mosquito control?

We want you to feel comfortable when you’re in your space – after all, it’s yourspace, and mosquitoes and other pests are just unwanted invaders. We’ll help keep you relaxed without itching or the worry of mosquito-borne illnesses with help from our effective treatments that deliver proven results. Plus, each of our treatments is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee (terms and conditions apply).

Get started today with a free quote when you call us at (262) 333-0395 or fill out our online form !

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