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Do You Know the Deadliest Animal in the World?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Most people guess that the deadliest animal in the world would be sharks...or lions...or snakes...some even guess humans! But if you base your judgement on how many people die from this specific animal each year, the most deadliest animal is the mosquito! No other animal comes close to the death rates inflicted by this creature.

Bill Gates posted a blog with the numbers of people killed by numerous animals many had thought would have been top rated. The results posted were surprising.

There are over 2,500 different species of mosquitoes. During peak time of mosquito season, they outnumber every animal besides the ant and termite population. Mosquitoes are responsible for thousands of deaths per year. Mosquitoes carry deadly diseases such as Zika, West Nile, Encephalitis, and Malaria.

Mosquito Squad proudly supports Malaria No More. The fight to end Malaria would be one of the greatest health accomplishments ever in health history.

These deadliest animals continue to be a threat across the globe. Professional help is a phone call away. Call Mosquito Squad of Waukesha County! Find out how we can help protect you and your loved ones. We offer a full season of protection or customize a treatment program to best utilize your time outdoors.

Our licensed and knowledgeable staff is ready to help you Fight the Bite!

Further Reading:

Zika News Source: Stay Informed

The Scariest Pset of All - The Mosquito

Mosquito Population on the Rise

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