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Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 17, 2024

Reliable, professional pest control that really works? It's not too good to be true: it's Mosquito Squad! We can help you manage any pest that tries to give you trouble, from mosquitoes and ticks to flies, stink bugs, and beyond!

Brown Deer Mosquito Control Company

Mosquito Squad of Brown Deer is your trusted local provider for comprehensive pest control services, specializing in solutions for ticks, mosquitoes, and more. Our dedication to delivering professional service and top-tier pest control treatments is second only in our commitment to customer satisfaction. In line with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee (terms and conditions apply), we want to make sure we exceed your expectations for exceptional and effective pest control. If you're not thrilled with the results of your mosquito control treatment, you have up to 21 days to contact your local Brown Deer Mosquito Squad. We'll gladly re-treat your property free of charge.

Mosquito Control Spray in Brown Deer 

If you've experienced a summer in Brown Deer, you,  like us, are probably tired of the constant annoyance and potential dangers posed by mosquitoes. With over 150 species in the United States alone, these tiny insects can swiftly transform a peaceful outdoor evening into an itchy nightmare. Plus, not only do the itchy bumps they leave behind make us feel irritated and uncomfortable, but mosquitoes also serve as vectors for diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. 

If you're seeking relief, then you're in luck. Mosquito Squad of Brown Deer provides reliable pest control solutions to help protect you and your loved ones from pests, using either our traditional barrier treatment and a natural alternative, depending on your preference. For your special events, we also offer sprays that will help keep your guests comfortable and protected during outdoor gatherings.

Tick Control in Brown Deer

Another bothersome pest that can often be found all over Brown Deer is the tick - and not just the deer tick, though that's an issue too. Whereas a mosquito's bite is relatively quick, ticks are persistent: they can latch onto a host for a whopping ten days! This extended stay significantly increases the risk of transmitting one of the numerous tick-borne diseases found in the United States, including Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis. Don't gamble with your health. Our barrier treatment effectively combats both ticks and mosquitoes, resulting in a dramatic reduction in both.

Brown Deer Flea Control

If you've noticed itchy ankles or uncomfortable pets, you might have a flea infestation. These itty bitty pests often latch onto our pets, who then carry them indoors. They're difficult to control due to their resiliency and their ability to spread throughout your home in just a few days if not hours. DIY methods can end up taking months to work, and store-bought solutions can be both ineffective and potentially harmful. Mosquito Squad's flea control service can help. Our flea control treatment targets fleas at all stages of their life cycle, so you'll be able to stop scratching in no time!

Brown Deer Stink Bug Control

As the temperature drops, don't be surprised to find stink bugs seeking refuge in your cozy home. The reason you're seeing so many is because they are looking for warmth during the colder months. The main reason most people consider them unwanted intruders is that they have a tendency to release an unpleasant smell when they're disturbed. 

To keep stink bugs at bay, seal cracks and holes in your home before they invade. Make sure to repair damaged screens too. If, however, an infestation has already begun and you're looking for a more potent solution, Mosquito Squad's professional treatments can significantly reduce the stink bug population around your property.

Mosquito Squad of Brown Deer

You can count on Mosquito Squad for professional, reliable pest control solutions that make a real difference in your quality of life.

When you reach out to us, you'll receive a free quote from our friendly team members. All you have to do is give us a call at (262) 333-0395 or contact us online today!

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