A New Tick Identified in the United States
Posted by Mosquito Squad
October 1, 2018
Have you heard? There’s a new tick in town. For the first time in about 50 years there’s a new threat and it’s called the Asian long-horned tick. Public health experts are concerned as these ticks can transmit a dozen pathogens, the long-horned ticks in Asia have been found carrying a virus that has killed 15 percent of its victims.
The first of these species were identified in New Jersey last year. This summer they continue to invade areas of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.
At this time, the greatest threat is livestock. The long-horned tick can multiply very rapidly and consumes so much of the animals blood that it can cause death. People should use the same precautions to guard against ticks. Use repellents and check for ticks after walking through tall grass or through woods.
Per the NY Times, they’re hear and they’re spreading. You can bet the threat of this new tick species will be closely monitored.
Mosquito Squad is here to continue to Fight the Bite! There is still time left in the season to take back your yard. Call us today to get an immediate quote!