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Fredonia Pest Control for Mosquitoes, Ticks, and More

Throughout the country, customers have long been singing the praises of Mosquito Squad. We're here to help you fight off mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, and more!

Mosquito Control in Fredonia

While only a few mosquito species in Wisconsin can spread diseases, it's still important to exercise caution. For example, it's still possible to be infected with West Nile virus, the most common mosquito-borne illness in the U.S. It is typically mild but can cause damage to the nervous system. A more severe disease transmitted by mosquitoes is Eastern Equine Encephalitis, which can result in neurological issues and potentially be fatal. Pets are also susceptible to diseases spread by mosquitoes, such as heartworms.

We can help protect you and your loved ones from mosquito-borne diseases with our professional mosquito control services at Mosquito Squad. Our signature traditional spray and natural treatment are both proven effective solutions for your mosquito problems. Both options are also available as part of our special event spray program so that your outdoor gatherings can remain enjoyable for all of your guests.

Tick Control in Fredonia

Ticks are tricky to manage in Fredonia. Their small size and painless, non-itchy bites often go unnoticed, making them even more dangerous than mosquitoes. A single tick bite can potentially transmit up to twenty severe illnesses such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and various other ailments.

The best way to avoid infection is to avoid being bitten in the first place. We can make that happen with our tick control solutions. Our traditional barrier protection treatment can lead to an enormous reduction in ticks around your home after each application. Keep reapplication going throughout the season for the best results through our subscription plan.

Fredonia Spider Control

When you think of "creepy crawlies," spiders are likely to come to mind. Many of us fear these so-called creepy crawlies. While most spiders in the region are harmless, encountering one unexpectedly can still send chills down your spine. These encounters are even more frequent during the winter months. The cold weather outdoors drives spiders to seek warmth and shelter inside homes. To prevent unwanted spider surprises, Mosquito Squad offers our powerful spider control solutions. Our barrier protection treatment makes your home less appealing to spiders, so they're more likely to find shelter elsewhere.

Fredonia Flea Control

Fleas get around by hitchhiking on their hosts, which are often our pets. Once fleas get into your home, they can cause all kinds of problems by causing itching, discomfort, and even severe issues like allergic dermatitis for you and your furry friends. Moreover, fleas are incredibly unsanitary and can transmit diseases such as flea-borne typhus. Unsure if you have a flea infestation? Look out for these signs:

  • Pets exhibiting excessive biting, scratching, and licking 
  • Noticeable pet hair loss, especially near the tail
  • Flea dirt in and around pet bedding - this appears as small, black flecks
  • Increased itchiness on your own skin, especially around the ankles

These are the most common signs of a flea problem. While there are steps you can take at home, the fact is that their extended life cycles and their remarkable adaptability make managing flea infestations a nightmare. We're here to help with our flea control solutions, which can speed up the process and bring relief to you and your pets.

Mosquito Squad in Fredonia

If you're in search of a pest control company that genuinely values customer satisfaction and has a range of pest control solutions that really work, Mosquito Squad is the right choice for you. See what we can do for you by starting a free quote at (262) 333-0395. You can also get in touch by filling out our online contact form.

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