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Mosquito Squad employee driving car.

Areas We Service


Mosquito Squad employee driving car.

Areas We Service



Tired of bugs, insects, and creepy crawlies in your home? Mosquito Squad is a trusted partner for pest control nationwide!

Why Mosquito Squad of Colgate?

Our company was established in 2005, and since then, we have prioritized the delivery of effective treatment and reliable, professional service to our valued customers. This dedication has resulted in the privilege of serving over 300,000 satisfied customers across the nation, a number that continues to grow. Our customer-focused approach is part of all we do, including providing flexible options, convenient scheduling, and our unwavering 100% Satisfaction Guarantee (terms and conditions apply).

Mosquito Control Spray in Colgate

If you could have your ideal summer, what would you want? We know that mosquitoes are unlikely to be part of that dream! We can help with our powerful and effective mosquito control treatments. There are options to choose from, including our traditional barrier treatment and our natural alternative. With either one, you'll see a reduction of mosquitoes by up to 85-90% for up to three weeks. These can be provided through regular subscription-based treatments. We also have special event sprays, which are available before your next outdoor gathering.

Tick Control in Colgate

Ticks, notorious carriers of several diseases such as Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, are so prone to spreading illness because of their ability to remain attached to hosts for up to ten days. Tick control treatments can help minimize the risk of exposure to tick-borne illnesses for you and your family. By disrupting their life cycle at the source, our treatments effectively reduce the tick population. This long-lasting protection provides a reliable solution for individuals seeking effective tick control.

Colgate Spider Control

When the spiders crowding the dark corners of your home are not so itsy bitsy, happening upon them can give you a big scare. The most common species found in Wisconsin are mainly harmless, except for black widows and brown recluses. The venom of these last two, unfortunately, can cause significant distress and pain. Don't risk unexpected encounters! Our spider control treatment can help to make your home less appealing to spiders, resulting in a significant decrease in their numbers around your home.

Colgate Flea Control

Fleas are notorious hitchhikers who often make their way indoors on the backs of your pets. Despite their small size, fleas are capable of causing big problems, not only for pets but for humans too, capable of spreading flea-borne typhus and other diseases while leaving behind itchy rashes. In addition to implementing basic home care practices such as frequent vacuuming, carpet cleaning, washing clothes with hot water and detergent, and regular bathing of pets, Mosquito Squad offers exceptional flea control services. These services are designed not only to reduce current flea infestations but also to prevent future occurrences.

Colgate Gnat Control

In the often damp environments of kitchens and bathrooms, a tiny enemy thrives: gnats. These flying pests lay hundreds of eggs near drains and garbage disposals, contributing to the spread of bacteria that can cause disease. If you're tired of gnats swarming around your food and concerned about the potential health hazards they bring, Mosquito Squad's gnat control treatment is effective for minimizing gnats in your home.

Mosquito Squad of Colgate

Mosquito Squad is the number one choice for effective pest control treatment and high-quality customer service in Colgate. Get started today with a free quote by calling us at (262) 333-0395 or contacting us online!

Every job is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

It’s our promise.

If you are not fully satisfied with your service, contact your Mosquito Squad office and we will make it right!

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