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Big Bend

Mosquito Squad employee driving car.

Areas We Service

Big Bend

Big Bend, WI, Pest Control for Mosquitoes, Ticks, and More

Mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, fleas, and more getting you down in Big Bend, WI? Give Mosquito Squad a call and experience the joy of effective pest control today!

Mosquito Control in Big Bend, WI

Just as the sun sets and the night air begins to cool here in Big Bend, a buzzing sound begins to grow louder. The friendly, busy bumblebees have gone to sleep, so there’s only one culprit… mosquitoes! And in our humid Mississippi weather, they can seem inescapable.

There are a lot of reasons people itch to get rid of mosquitoes. There are, of course, the uncomfortable bumps left behind by their bites - but there is also the potential for mosquito-borne disease like West Nile Virus for humans and heartworm disease for our pets. 

The good news is that you can fight back with Mosquito Squad’s proven treatment programs, which can reduce mosquitoes by up to 85-90% for up to 21 days. The most popular treatment option we offer is our barrier protection spray. We also offer a natural treatment option made from essential oils. 

Through regular application of these treatments, such as with our subscription plan that prompts our technicians to treat your yard every three weeks, you’ll be able to enjoy your home’s outdoor space without the nuisance of mosquitoes.

Tick Control in Big Bend, WI

If mosquitoes weren’t enough of a problem, there are also ticks to worry about. As with mosquitoes, their bites carry the risk of disease. Moreover, tick-borne illnesses are significantly more common in most parts of the United States, and their consequences can be deadly. 

These tiny pests can attach themselves to any part of your body, making thorough checks necessary after spending time outdoors. Keeping your lawn’s grass short and giving your pets monthly tick prevention medication can help, too. However, for the highest level of protection, Mosquito Squad is proud to offer our effective tick control solutions. 

With our protection barrier spray - which works double time to reduce mosquitoes and ticks at the same time - we can target tick hotspots and create a perimeter defense around your home. Soon after treatment, you’ll see a dramatic reduction in ticks. Best of all, you’ll be able to sigh a breath of relief, knowing this treatment is helping to decrease your chance of exposure to tick-borne disease.

Flea Control in Big Bend, WI

We don’t know who hates fleas more: humans or their pets! Fleas are a big bother for dogs and cats alike, and once they make their way inside, they’ll start feasting on your blood, too. Their bites can be itchy and uncomfortable, plus fleas tend to spread bacteria everywhere they go. Because of the nature of their breeding cycle, they can be extremely difficult to manage on your own once they begin laying eggs in your home. What can do the trick are Mosquito Squad’s flea control treatments. With our treatment, we can interrupt the flea’s lifecycle by minimizing adult fleas and making it difficult for their eggs to hatch. Plus, the treatment will create a barrier of protection around your home, so no additional fleas will even want to come inside.

Asian Beetle Control in Big Bend, WI

Ladybugs are great to have around if you want a healthy garden. Their cousins, however, despite their similarities in appearance, tend to be less beloved. Asian beetles emit unpleasant odors, stain surfaces, and can even bite. They often seek your home’s warmth in the cooler part of the year, often leading to headaches as you try to keep them away. Fortunately, Asian beetle control is possible! With practical fixes like sealing holes, doors, and windows in your home, combined with Mosquito Squad’s protective barrier treatment, you can make your home seem a lot less enticing to potential Asian beetle intruders.

Mosquito Squad in Big Bend, WI

If you’re looking for relief from one of these pests or even more, Mosquito Squad of Big Bend offers comprehensive pest control services that can help. Get started today with a free quote by calling (262) 333-0395 or contacting us online.

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