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Professional Pest Controls Or Tackle It Yourself

Posted by Mosquito Squad

March 6, 2018

Every season brings different insects and they usually show up in swarms!  If you’re seeing them indoors, that means pests such as ants, spiders, fleas, gnats, ticks, or mosquitoes it usually means they’ve found outside access to the inside of your home. Preventing pests from coming in and paying attention to seasonal problems, is often the first step in preventing a major pest issue.  If you’re debating doing it yourself, here are a few reasons why we would recommend giving Mosquito Squad a call and hiring the professionals. 

First – Peace Of Mind.  There’s comfort in knowing that we are trained to handle a variety of situations. Our staff of professionals are familiar with the various species of pests, their life cycles and their breeding and living habits. This helps us to determine the best plan for your property.  As a bonus, we offer free estimates!  

Second – Knowledge Base.  With our professional pest control services we have extensive experience and can spot what DIY’ers may not.  Our Squad professionals can determine what will work for your climate, your home, and your particular pest.   

Third – Risk.   Any type of DIY chemicals come with a risk.  There’s a warning label on every insecticide bottle for a reason. All insecticides come with chemical risks to your family, pets and plants. Applying chemicals you are not knowledgeable about can potentially cause harm to you and your family. The Golden Rule of Any Do-It-Yourself Pest Removal is:  Thoroughly read and understand the product’s label and follow its specific directions.  Your family’s health is always in more surer hands with a pest control professional than with an insecticide label alone.  While instructions are on the label and information on any type of specific insect and pest problem can be found on the internet, a pest control expert will be able to quickly identify and treat your problem with the proper blend of products.  We can also answer any questions you have about prevention and specific pest problems.

Forth – Results – Reliable pest control companies have the most up to date information, using high-end products that will both eliminate your issue and keep your home and family protected.  

Call the industry leaders at Mosquito Squad today and discuss your concerns with our trained staff.

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