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There goes the rain – here come the mosquitoes.

Posted by Mosquito Squad

June 18, 2015

Did you know there are 55 types of mosquitoes in Wisconsin?  A recent article from UW Madison Wisconsin Radio Network (6/11/2015) highlights the fact that the mosquito population is expected to really boom in the next couple weeks mainly due to recent rain and mosquito trapping.

At Mosquito Squad (as you know), we heavily focus on prevention when we come out to   your property. This article also highlights prevention and the need to reduce standing water around your property to keep mosquitoes away. You can help keep mosquitoes away by reducing standing water including from clogged rain gutters, spent tires, and bird baths.

And to set the story straight once and for all at your next outdoor barbecue it is true that some people are more attractive to mosquitoes than others — some factors affecting could be related to one’s diet, skin bacteria, body temperature, perspiration and clothing color.  Mosquitoes, simply put, are not our friends at The Squad. Their bites not only can ruin your time outside, but they can ruin the days after with the itch. The only way to protect yourself is to reduce your exposure to mosquitoes.

If you haven’t set up your treatments for this summer – call today! We would love to have you experience a better outdoor experience with an 85-90% reduction in mosquitoes!

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