Lyme Disease- Wisconsin rated 4th worst state in the country!
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

As temperatures continue to climb, people and pets will venture outdoors more and more...and those eight legged creatures are anxious for your adventures to begin.
Lyme disease continues to increase because the number of ticks continues to increase. Centers for Disease Control says these vector borne diseases have tripled since 2004. TMJ 4 reported last year Wisconsin was rated as the fourth worst state in the country due to not only warming temperatures, but also deer populations and human expansion into more natural uninhabited environments.
Deer ticks tend to reside in long grass and shrubs. It is very important to thoroughly check for ticks after being outside. The CDC reports that if you remove a tick within 48 hours, your risk for Lyme disease is reduced significantly. Unfortunately, ticks can be as small as a poppy seed and therefore can be very difficult to identify. Ticks can use you as a taxi as they attach to your clothing. A good inspection, as well as removing clothes and putting them into a hot dryer immediately, will reduce the risk of ticks making contact with both people and pets. In Wisconsin, although we must be aware and cautious of these pests, we want to enjoy the warmer temperatures- they just don't last long enough!
For additional protection, call Waukesha County Mosquito Squad. We are leading experts in the pest control industry and ready to help you Fight the Bite! We can customize a protection program for you, your family, and pets. Call our professional team for your immediate quote and start enjoying your yard again!
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