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Lyme Disease isn’t just for “Outdoorsy” People!

Posted by Mosquito Squad

August 10, 2016

CBS recently posted an article about a mom who years back (2001), was visiting her older son at a summer camp on a parents weekend. At the time she had long curly hair and she thinks that’s when the tick had the opportunity to attach to her. When her friend plucked the tick from her head back in 2001 and flushed it away, she didn’t think anything of it again until six years later when her doctor told her she had Lyme disease and asked if she’d been bitten by a tick. She hadn’t heard of Lyme, so kept thinking since she’s not an outdoors person, there’s no way she could have the disease. When she was on her way home from her doctor’s appointment, she then recalled the at the time “minor” tick incident from years back.

Months and years following, she experienced odd health issues including achy joints, depression, shaky hands, and unclear thinking. She tried to pinpoint a diagnosis after she started feeling flu-like in 2007 which left her bedridden. Her doctor tested her for a bunch of conditions (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, lupus, to name a few). The Lyme test came back positive.

She is one of the countless people who didn’t notice early signs of Lyme, dismissed the symptoms, or had medical providers who missed the warning signs which often include fatigue, fever, and headaches, and the classic bull eyes skin rash.  When Lyme is caught early it can be treated with antibiotics. If it goes untreated, it can spread to the joints, the heart and nervous system.  We don’t want the same thing happening to you or your loved ones!

At Mosquito Squad, we utilize an effective blend of our barrier treatment and tick tubes to eliminate ticks before they can get to you. Our traditional mosquito control mist kills adult ticks on contact, while tick tubes are placed around your property and help eliminate nymph stage ticks. 

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