What Does Lyme Disease in Minneapolis Look Like?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
September 16, 2016
Tick bites in Minneapolis are always of concern to anyone who knows anything about Lyme Disease, Babesiosis, and other tick-borne diseases. If you are lucky enough to know you were bitten by a tick, you are steps ahead of many who may be suffering unknowingly from Lyme disease. But, you may also be waiting and wondering what to look for so that you can determine if Lyme is a possibility and if treatment is necessary.
Let me start by saying that not all ticks in Minneapolis are infected with the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Since removing your tick, you may never feel a symptom or experience a thing! But if your tick bite looks suspicious, you may be wondering if you can beat the other symptoms of Lyme by getting treatment started right away. We are not doctors, and we always say error on the side of caution if you’re feeling ill, or your bite looks concerning, but we can tell you some things to look for.
What Does a Lyme Rash Look Like?
The rash is usually the most distinguishing sign of a Lyme infection as other symptoms are ambiguous. That being said, not everyone will get a rash, and not all Lyme rashes look the same. See below, from left to right; you’ll see three different “bulls-eye” rashes from Lyme infections. Each one looks different. Some more distinguishable than others. If you see any rash around your tick bite, it is best to get it checked out. The bulls-eye shape can spread out over time, becoming less distinct or can blend in with a tan or dark skin tone.
What Does Lyme Feel Like?
After experiencing a Minneapolis tick bite, pay close attention to how you feel for the next 30 days or so. It is wise to write down the date or save the tick in a baggy with the date on it. This will help you remember if a full month goes by and then symptoms pop up. Pay attention to any combination of the following symptoms: fatigue, fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, joint pain and swollen lymph nodes.
Every patient’s immune system will react differently to a Lyme infection. Paying close attention to changes in your health after a tick bite is the best way to make sure you seek medical help as soon as possible and that treatment begins early for the best chance at a full and quick recovery.
Avoiding ticks is the best way to avoid tick bites and lower your risk for Lyme disease. At Mosquito Squad of the Twin Cities, we offer Intensive Tick Treatment to eliminate ticks today with tick treatment and tomorrow with tick tubes. Call today for a quote.