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Your Outdoor Special Events: Did Your Planning Include Mosquito & Biting Insect Control?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Your Outdoor Special Events: Did Your Planning Include Mosquito & Biting Insect Control?


You spent months maybe even a year + planning your outdoor special event, whether it’s an outdoor wedding, graduation party, anniversary celebration, birthday, or another special celebration. However, did you consider how you plan to keep mosquitoes and biting insects away? Let Mosquito Squad of Tampa Bay help keep you, your guests and vendors (DJ’s, bar tenders, food-servers,etc.) comfortable and free from pesky and biting insects.

What is Involved and What is the Process?

With our special event treatments, you can sit back and relax knowing that your party and everyone attending will be protected.

Our goal is to make sure your special event is free and clear of unwanted, pesky guests. We work with you, venues, and/or event planners, to schedule a time and date before the event to apply the first barrier of protection. This initial treatment typically happens 7 days before the event with a second treatment (if applicable) within 24-48 hours before the event.

These treatments differ than routine mosquito services, as it is an intensive treatment of the venue/property. The service also includes a property inspection, treatment of standing water and vegetation using E.P.A. registered products.

Our traditional barrier treatment focuses on specific areas that you designate. The treatments are applied to an expanded coverage area that includes the lawn. We will coordinate with you or your designee regarding other vendors as applicable (i.e. tent setup, timing and set-up of tables/chairs, DJ/Band stage, dance floors, and any gaming/photo booths being brought in) – so there is no disruption to you and other professionals that you engaged.

The product is a 2-part formula that will eradicate mosquitoes and other biting insects such as; spiders, fleas, ticks, etc. upon application. It also has a residual component that will continue to work and release insecticide for up to 3 weeks. A typical rain in Florida will not wash away the product as once it is dry it will be active.

The product is applied by our highly trained and licensed Technicians using backpack blowers. While the application is being applied, we just ask that people and pets not be in the area. Once the application is completed, please allow approximately 20 minutes to dry before resuming normal and setup activities.

Wedding venue with a body of water in the background

Take the Next Steps Today

Contact Mosquito Squad of Tampa Bay to arrange for your Special Event service. No contracts are required and you will be charged on the date of service, after the application has been completed. Think about that, no up-front costs, but more importantly, peace of mind knowing that your event will be protected from mosquitoes and other biting insects.

Mosquito Squad can be reached via email at tampabay@mosquitosquad.com or 813-502-0505.

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