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OH NO – There’s a New Neighbor in Town…The Culex Lactator

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

OH NO – There’s a New Neighbor in Town…The Culex Lactator

Ok Florida residents, we have a new neighbor that is casing quite the ‘buzz’, but not in a good way. Let’s say hello to the Culex Lactator, the latest mosquito that has moved into the Sunshine State. The Culex Lactator joins the other 90 different mosquito species that call Florida home.


The Culex Lactator has relocated to our state beginning in 2018 from Central America and northern South America. While scientists are still unsure whether this mosquito can transmit diseases, it is a member of the Culex family of mosquitoes that spread diseases such as West Nile Virus and St. Louis Encephalitis, among others.

This mosquito resembles and bites similarly to the typical mosquitoes that we see here in FL. It currently thrives and resides on both coasts in the southern part of the state but is quickly spreading northward.

Like other mosquito species, it enjoys our year-round tropical climate. This is why it joins the other new mosquito species in FL. The mosquito population has and is exploding as in the past 5 years, we had 6 new species move in.

These pesky resident mosquitoes love our climate so much, they do not want to leave and stay year-round which is why our mosquito season is now twelve months a year.

What Can You Do

Besides keeping your yard neat and tidy free from standing water, you can contact Mosquito Squad of Tampa Bay.

Mosquito Squad offers both routine barrier treatments and automatic misting systems, custom designed to meet your outdoor living needs, to eradicate these pesky biters and many other bitng insects too. We offer both traditional and all-natural solutions.

No contracts are required and you will be charged on the date of service, after the application has been completed. Think about that, no up-front costs or long-term commitments or contracts.

Mosquito Squad can be reached via email at tampabay@mosquitosquad.com or (813) 534-5918.

Don’t delay, contact us today to help you FIGHT THE BITE so you and your family can enjoy your outdoors free from bites.

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