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Mosquitoes & Ticks - What Works & Doesn't Work

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Mosquitoes & Ticks - What Works & Doesn't Work

Mosquito & Tick Control Methods What Works & What Does Not

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Mosquitos and ticks constitute a nuisance to most homes, especially here in Florida due to our nice, warm weather. It is disturbing to hear the buzzing sound of mosquitoes while trying to have a good rest or wake up to feel itchy spots on your skin as a result of mosquito or tick bites.

Sometimes, their bite marks may become reddish and swollen. But that is not all. Mosquito bites can transmit several diseases, such as Malaria, Dengue, Zika, Yellow, West Nile, Chikungunya, Filariasis, Rift Valley, Tularemia, etc.

On the other hand, tick bites may lead to the following ailments; Tularemia, Tick-Borne relapsing fever, Babesiosis, Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Southern Tick-Associated rash illness.

You cannot afford to spend all day hiding indoors to prevent mosquito and tick bites. Some stubborn ones will still access your indoor spaces and cause harm. According to Advantage Realty Management team https://www.advantage-properties.com/new-tampa-property-managementmost homeowners spend so much money on mosquito and tick control measures without achieving any success.

This becomes even more important when selling, purchasing a home and even selecting a vacation rental property right here in the Suncoast. The last thing you want is to list a home that has biting insects, nor do you want to purchase a home where you know you will be attacked by these biters and maybe even worse, renting a vacation home that you simply cannot enjoy – just ask the Advantage Realty Management team for helpful these and other tips to consider before you list, purchase your home and even rent a vacation home.

When it concerns mosquito and tick control measures, you want solutions that work. But first, we will discuss the control methods that do not work before we reveal the ones that do.

Mosquito & Tick Control Methods That Don’t Work

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Citronella Candles

Some people purchase and use citronella candles as mosquito repellents. But they discover that it is not very effective. Although citronella candles may help to repel mosquitoes, it is only within the immediate area where the candle is placed.

Once you stray far from it, you lose that protection and become prone to mosquito bites. Citronella candles will not repel mosquitoes from your home or prevent them from breeding in your yard.

Electric Bug Swatters & Salt Guns

Mosquito and tick control methods like electric bug swatters and salt guns are ineffective. Some people aim and fire salt guns at mosquitos/ticks to kill them. Others use electric swatters that look like tennis rackets to hit them.

If you are lucky and these items happen kill the bugs, you can only kill just a few at a time as most are hidden away from plain sight. Killing a few of these bugs will not free your property or home from them because the remaining ones multiply every minute.

DIY Tick & Mosquito Control Measures

Some homeowners try to handle mosquitoes and ticks by themselves. They look for several methods that they believe will protect their home from mosquitos and ticks. These homeowners visit stores and check online for DIY solutions. Some do this because they want to save money.

The truth is that most of the measures you may discover by yourself may seem to look like they could be effective and affordable. While you may think that you have saved money by doing it yourself, you may spend more than you expected when you add up the costs of tools, equipment, and products.

Mosquito and tick control is a technical skill that requires time, training, and experience. You need to purchase the appropriate equipment, product, apply them correctly and timely, and clean, store, and maintain the tools and products in a secure location after after use.

It is essential to note that the solution will only be effective if you apply the products at the appropriate time and on schedule using the right tools. Also, commercial-grade products are more effective than the general ones available in stores and many cannot be purchased without a pest-control license.

What Methods Work & Who Do You Hire

Investing in professional control measures is the best way to protect your home from mosquitos and ticks. You can only achieve this when you hire experts with the necessary experience, training, tools, products, and skills.

They will assess your property and know the best measures to deploy for your home. They know the appropriate timing and effective products to achieve the best results. These professionals will avoid harmful chemicals that may hurt the occupants, pets, or plants.

If you want to enjoy a home free from mosquitos and ticks, avoid the commonly available DIY solutions and hire an expert contact MOSQITO SQUAD OF TAMPA BAY, 813-502-0505 OR TAMPABAY@MOSQUITOSQUAD.COM

Mosquito Squad is the innovator of mosquito and biting insect control. The owners live locally, act as their own Certified Operator, they give back to the community via donated services to 501(c)3 charities, are corporate sponsors to many organizations that support children, pets, animal shelters and others.

Mosquito Squad can help you FIGHT THE BITE with their routine barrier treatments, automatic misting systems, perimeter pest control, flea and ant eradication, rodent control, among other services. Don’t delay, contact Mosquito Squad today.

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