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Hillsborough County Has More Fleas Than Any Other County in the Entire Nation

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Fleas & Hillsborough County

Fleas thrive in tropical climates and can you believe that Hillsborough County has more fleas than any other county in the United States? Yes, it’s true. Florida, and Hillsborough County are infested with fleas year-round.

Fleas in General

There are more than 2,000 species of fleas; cat fleas, dog fleas and even human fleas. Unlike other insects, fleas “jump” to find a host. They are capable of leaping seven inches and more than a foot in distance.

Key Statistics

Once a dog or cat gets fleas, they get passed around in the environment where they live. In fact, only approximately 5% of fleas will stay on your pet, so where are the other 95%? They will live in your home, in the carpet, crevasses of hardwood floors, under cushions and other dark, out of the way places.

Flea Bites & Health Concerns

Fleas can cause a wide variety of issues for your pets and you. Flea bites lead to intense itching ad scratching, as well as other internal complications. One being tapeworms which infect the host when fleas are ingested. Tapeworms also cause itching, but can lead to weight loss as well. The other medical issue is flea bite anemia. This is when young or small animals such as puppies and kittens are impacted by a severe infestation which reduces red blood cell count. If this happens, it is a medical emergency and can even be fatal if untreated.

If a human gets bit, they too can be impacted as the fleas can transmit diseases such as plague and cat scratch fever.

What You Can Do

Contact Mosquito Squad of Tampa Bay at tampabay@mosquitosquad.com or 813-502-0505. Not only will their products eradicate mosquitoes, no-see-ums, ticks, spiders, fire ants and several other biting insects, the product will eradicate fleas. This way you can be assured that you, your family and pets are protected against the dangers from flea infestations and bites. Let the Squad “Help You Fight The Bite”.

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