Westfield Mosquito Control is a Valuable Defense Against Disease
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

Mosquitoes have a horrible reputation for very good reason. Across the globe, mosquitoes are responsible for over one million human deaths per year, which is a truly astonishing figure. What makes the number even more shocking is that, when compared with the yearly global human death toll, mosquitoes are responsible for roughly 1 in every 60 mortalities. Clearly, these insects are far more than a mere nuisance, and they are proliferating in the United States. Although rates of mosquito-borne diseases in the U.S. aren’t at the scale of many other countries, we are on our way to a serious health crisis.
Over the past decades, climate change and altered habitats have made mosquitoes more reliant on humans for sustenance, and this spells trouble for the future. Research suggests that mosquitoes are going to become increasingly dependent on suburban environments for habitat and food, and mosquito-borne diseases are going to become more prevalent as a result. Many mosquito species already thrive in the Northeast, but rising temperatures make it increasingly likely that mosquitoes that can carry diseases like yellow fever, Dengue fever, Zika virus, and others will make their way northward from the southern U.S. Such patterns paint an incredibly concerning image for the future and emphasize the importance of staying on top of your mosquito control efforts. Mosquitoes pose a threat to your outdoor living experience as well as to your health. For powerful mosquito control options, look no further than Mosquito Squad.
Mosquito control in Westfield is essential
Individually, mosquitoes are fragile and easy to eliminate, but their swarms pose a real problem. Strength in numbers in the name of the game for mosquitoes, and they will exploit your home and yard as their breeding grounds. To make your yard less habitable, make sure to clean gutters, remove yard waste, and pour out standing water to discourage mosquitoes from breeding and ruining your time outdoors. Such methods, while effective, aren’t guaranteed to remove mosquitoes from your property, which is why professional mosquito control is so important.
At Mosquito Squad, we’ve been defending our customers for nearly 20 years with stellar results. In combination with the careful attention of our highly trained technicians, our barrier protection treatment is guaranteed to reduce the mosquito population in your yard by up to 90%. Each treatment lasts for up to 21 days, so treatments every two to three weeks throughout the warmer seasons will keep you defended.
Mosquito-borne diseases are on the rise, which is why Westfield Mosquito Control is so important. For expert services, look no further than Mosquito Squad of Springfield. Give us a call at (413) 418-3359.