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Spider Control in Massachusetts

Posted by Mosquito Squad

May 31, 2024

Spider Control in Massachusetts

Though there are tens of thousands of spider species around the world, with approximately 4,000 variations found in North America, most are not dangerous to people. However, there are several venomous species that deliver a painful and life-threatening bite, and unfortunately, Mosquito Squad knows that a couple of those species are likely lurking in your backyard. The good news is that spiders tend to stay outside but are drawn to the heat of your home during the fall and winter months. They can enter your home through cracks in window screens or doors, and are attracted to dark, damp hiding spots like basements, linen closets, and more. Let your trusted pest control professionals help you get a grip on any potential problem with our spider control treatment today.

Black Widow

The Black Widow spider is a very common venomous spider in Springfield, Massachusetts, and the surrounding region. The female black widow can be identified by its shiny black outer shell and a red hourglass shape on the underside of her belly. They are about ½ inch in length. Black widow spiders typically hide outdoors in woodpiles, rubble piles, under stones, in old stumps, or indoors in cluttered areas, basements, or crawl spaces.

If you are bitten by a black widow spider, it could either be painful or go completely unnoticed. Symptoms, however, will show soon after the bite occurs and will appear as one or two bite marks and localized swelling with pain progressing from the bite site to the abdomen and back. Severe cramping and muscle rigidity in the abdomen are also common. Nausea, fever, labored breathing, and other neurological symptoms may persist for several days.

Brown Recluse

The Brown Recluse is tan to dark brown in color, with a violin-shaped marking on its back that can appear anywhere from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch long. Young spiders or those that have just molted will not be identifiable by the violin marking. Outside hiding places of brown recluse spiders include rocks, near woodpiles, and under bark. Inside your home, the brown recluse could live in any undisturbed area– such as closets, boxes, unworn clothing/shoes, attics, basements, or crawl spaces. 

A brown recluse’s bite can cause localized pain and swelling, spreading to muscles near the site or in your abdomen. It may blister or bruise, and in severe cases, rash, fever, dizziness, vomiting, restlessness, and chills can follow. 

DIY Spider Control


Spider traps, such as glue boards strategically placed in the indoor hiding spots favored by venomous spiders, are a great method for controlling a small spider infestation in your home. For larger issues, though, indoor spider sprays made from pyrethroids (of the chrysanthemum family) are effective, easy to use, and can cover large ground areas. Be sure to clean your home vigilantly, clear clutter, and vacuum any webs or egg sacs you spot. Peppermint or eucalyptus oil is an effective spider repellent as well. Simply dilute it with water and spray it in corners, near entryways, and along the floorboards of your home. 


While it’s not possible to completely remove spiders from your outdoor areas, we know you don’t want them crawling all over the place when you’re enjoying your yard. And if there are any in your yard, you certainly don’t want them making their way indoors. Seal openings around your doors or windows with caulk. Cover vents with fine mesh insect screens and replace any torn window screens. Minimize vegetation within 8 feet of your home as spiders love to hide and reproduce in bushes, trees, and ivy. 

Mosquito Squad’s Spider Control

It is absolutely essential to the health and enjoyment of your household, both indoors and out, to get set up spider control for your home. Mosquito Squad’s team offers a protective barrier spray treatment that helps defend against many pests beyond just spiders. In fact, spiders, mosquitoes, ticks, and more are just some of the many pests mitigated by our barrier treatments. Contact Springfield Mosquito Squad today to find out more about the best method of spider control for your home and receive a free quote!

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