Tick-Borne Disease

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Tick-Borne Disease

A Hidden Danger

Lyme Disease

Named after the town in Connecticut in which it was first found, Lyme disease is the most prevalent tick-borne disease in the United States, being diagnosed in all states except Hawaii. There are nearly 30,000 cases reported by the Centers for Disease Control each year. If caught early, Lyme disease responds well to a variety of antibiotics. Unfortunately, Lyme is not the easiest disease to diagnose. The telltale bull’s eye rash is only one of the many symptoms of Lyme, which also includes fever, fatigue and joint pain.


Although it does affect humans, ehrlichiosis is most commonly found in deer and dogs. The bacteria kills white blood cells causing headaches, fatigue and aches. Luckily, ehrlichiosis is treated with a series of antibiotics.

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