Not all Mosquito Treatments are Created Equal
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

If you’re like any of the people I’ve talked to this week, then you know how bad mosquitoes are in Southwest Michigan right now. With all the rain we got in April mixed with the warm weather we’ve been enjoying, mosquitoes are making a comeback this season, and they’re making it a big one. I think one of our customers put it best when they said that they couldn’t go outside without the mosquitoes shaking their hand and asking them for their seating preference while the mosquitoes feasted on them.
Kidding aside, this year is already much worse for mosquitoes than last year and we want to help. There are a couple companies who claim to offer services that take care of mosquitoes and possibly ticks too. These companies offer a knockdown treatment only. This means that once a month they come and take care of any mosquitoes that happen to be in your yard at the time they are treating it. These treatments have zero residual effect and will not keep you and your family bite free 4 weeks later, let alone 2 weeks later.
We at Mosquito Squad know that to be the most effective you need to include a knockdown treatment and a time-released treatment. And your yard needs to be treated every 3 weeks, not every 4-6 like several other companies. We want to make sure that you don’t become a mosquitoes next meal, while you’re trying to enjoy yours. We are specialists when it comes to treating mosquitoes and ticks. We have focused in and targeted these particular pests, instead of treating in general, hoping that it will take care of the ones you want. Our specialty sprays include a treatment for Mosquitoes and Ticks and now another specialty treatment that targets Fleas and Gnats. And as mentioned before, ALL of our services are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. So that means, if you ever experience any issues with our services we’d be more than happy to make it right.
So don’t be unhappy 25% of the time with less protection and fewer sprays, be happy 100% of the time with a system and product we know will take care of 85-90% of your mosquito population. Start taking back you yard today! Call us for a free estimate (269) 340-3580