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Burlington Tick Control

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 18, 2024

Adult ticks are no bigger than an apple seed, but the problems they create seem 10,000 times bigger. Our Mosquito Squad tick control solutions are designed to pack just as much as a wallop, with proven effectiveness at an affordable price.

What species of ticks are found in Burlington?

In Wisconsin, the most common ticks you’re likely to encounter are the deer tick and the American dog tick, though there are 16 total species that have been reported in the past few years in the state. 

The deer tick, also known as the black-legged tick, can spread disease in both the nymph and adult phases. They are usually found in forests, tall grasslands, and shrubs. They are widespread due to their preferred host, white-tailed deer. The deer tick is associated with Lyme disease, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis. 

The American dog tick is also called the wood tick. They can be found in most of North America, often in areas with little or no tree cover. This species has the rare ability to survive for weeks indoors. They prefer medium-sized hosts like cats and dogs, but will also latch onto humans and livestock. These ticks are associated with Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Why do I need Burlington tick control?

When you get bitten, you may not notice, as there’s usually no itching or discomfort. It isn’t until some time after that initial exposure that symptoms begin to manifest - sometimes up to weeks or months. This ability to go undetected makes it difficult to help protect yourself against potential disease without powerful tick control methods.

Several tick-borne diseases have been identified in Wisconsin. Some of the most common are:

  • Lyme Disease: This is the most common tick-borne disease in the nation. It causes fever, fatigue, and a distinctive bullseye rash. If left untreated, it may lead to joint pain and neurological issues.
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Symptoms include fever, headache, and a rash. If exposure is suspected, early detection is key because the disease has been known to be fatal.
  • Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis: These two bacterial infections manifest with similar flu-like symptoms.
  • Babesiosis: This is a particular concern for immunocompromised individuals. It can cause serious anemia and other systematic issues. 

How can I control ticks in Burlington?

For an initial layer of protection against tick-borne disease, Mosquito Squad recommends our 6 Cs of tick control:

  1. Clear out areas where yard and tree debris tend to gather.
  2. Clean your yard of leaf litter, especially at the edges of your yard.
  3. Choose plants for your garden that repel deer.
  4. Check the favorite hiding places of ticks, like fences, brick walls, and retaining walls.
  5. Care for your pets by giving them regular tick-prevention medication.
  6. Call the pros - reach out to Mosquito Squad to learn about our tick control services!

Professional Tick Control in Burlington

If you really want to help protect your loved ones against potential exposure to tick-borne diseases, there’s no more powerful solution than Mosquito Squad’s tick control treatments. After one application of our popular protective barrier treatment, you’ll notice a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property. Maintaining treatment every 21 days makes for even stronger control. When you opt for our subscription plan, you can avoid the hassle of scheduling while a highly trained technician automatically visits your property at the end of every treatment cycle for another re-application, all season long.

Why Choose Mosquito Squad?

This summer season, don’t let ticks win. Instead, remember the 6 Cs of tick control, especially tip #6: get in touch with Mosquito Squad! Once you do, we’ll work with you to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget. Get started with a free quote - just call us at (630) 521-3303 or contact us online today!