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Tips for How to Treat Mosquito Bites in Southern Wisconsin

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

The state of Wisconsin is well known for having cold winters with a lot of snow. While the winters can be bitter and cold, the warm summer months and access to many local lakes and recreation options can make it a great place to live in and visit this time of the year. One challenge that you may need to deal with during the summers in Wisconsin is an infestation of mosquitoes, which can be annoying and also cause bites. If you are bitten by a mosquito, there are several tips that you should follow after the bite takes place.

Clean the Bite Mark

If you notice the mosquito bite right away, the first thing you should do is clean it with soap and warm water. Cleaning the bite mark can help you avoid the risk of infection and could prevent the bite from spreading a disease. It can also help prevent other symptoms of bite marks including itching, which could occur over the following few days.

Apply Ice to Wound

Following a bite mark, it is also common for some swelling to occur. To prevent this from happening, you should apply a cold compress to the bite mark for at least 20 minutes following the bite. You should then continue to put the ice on and off a couple of times per hour until the swelling has subsided.

Topical Ointments to Prevent Itching

One of the most common challenges that can come with a mosquito bite is the continued itching sensation that can last for several days. Unfortunately, if you do itch the wound it can extend the healing time and even make the situation worse. To prevent the itching from continuing, adding an over-the-counter ointment can help alleviate the sensation.

Seek Medical Attention When Necessary

The vast majority of mosquito bites are relatively harmless and will heal on their own within a few days. However, there is always a risk that a bite could lead to an infection or someone could suffer from an allergy. If the bite mark continues to get worse, is causing an abscess, or you develop a fever, you should seek medical attention. This doctor may prescribe additional antibiotics or other medication in some situations.

Being bit by a mosquito is never a fun experience, and it commonly results in itching, swelling, and other symptoms over the next few days. One way that you can reduce the likelihood of being bit by a mosquito on your own property is by calling Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin at 630-521-3303 as soon as you can. If you have an infestation of mosquitoes in your yard, the Mosquito Squad of Southern Wisconsin can provide a variety of inspection and naturalmisting services that will help to get rid of the infestation and even keep them from coming back. This will help ensure that you can enjoy your outdoor space all summer without the annoyance of mosquitos or other insects.