When Should You Worry About a Mosquito Bite?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

Almost everyone experiences itching after being bitten by a mosquito, but when should you worry about a mosquito bite?
Did you know that the residual itch and irritation are your body’s histamine response to proteins contained in mosquito saliva? Typically, this is just a minor irritation, and there are many home remedies and over-the-counter solutions to alleviate the itchiness caused by a mosquito bite.
How dangerous can a mosquito bite be?
We are learning that for some, a seemingly typical mosquito bite can be life threatening. For these mosquito bite victims, their body’s reaction is like being stung by a bee. There is a name for this immune response – Skeeter Syndrome. Skeeter Syndrome can produce swelling, itching, blistering, fever, and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis can result in swallowing and breathing difficulties and abdominal pain with stomach upset, among other symptoms. This can become a life-threatening emergency, quickly leading to an increased heart rate, drop in blood pressure, shock, unconsciousness, and even death. Perhaps the most frightening aspect of anaphylaxis caused by Skeeter Syndrome, is that we cannot know that we are apt to experience it…until we actually experience it.
How predictable is Skeeter Syndrome?
Even though we are now aware that this reaction can occur, it must be noted that it is not guaranteed for any individual from one mosquito bite to the next. One bite can produce the typical itch and irritation while another can result in Skeeter Syndrome. It is also important to note that every age group can be affected, but young children and seniors are at higher risk. Experts believe that this is due to immune deficiencies often found in these two age groups.
Skeeter Syndrome is not a classified disease. Any medical syndrome is defined as a collection of symptoms without a clear idea of the way it develops. Genetics, the person’s immune health, and differences in the actual mosquitoes’ bites are some of the facets that come into play with Skeeter Syndrome. Severe cases are rare, and we do not know if it occurs more frequently with one mosquito such as the Asian Tiger, or any other kind. Asian Tiger mosquitoes are aggressive day-feeders. Whereas other mosquitoes, like the US house mosquito, Culex Pipiens, prefers to feed between the hours of dusk to dawn. At Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire, what we do know is that aiding the prevention of Skeeter Syndrome starts with ample at-home mosquito protection. Ours lasts for up to three weeks between treatments and works day and night.
Litchfield mosquito control can help protect your family from potentially dangerous mosquito bites.
As any health care professional will tell you, mosquito bite prevention is the best strategy in allaying worrisome reactions. Protecting the areas where you spend the most time outdoors is important, starting in the spring, and continuing throughout the warmer months each year. Mosquito Squad offers effective Litchfield mosquito control barrier protection to eliminate 85-90% of the mosquitoes around your yard. Reducing your mosquito bite exposure is an important first step in protecting yourself, your family, and your pets from Skeeter Syndrome and more serious mosquito-borne infections, like West Nile Virus and Eastern equine encephalitis.
Spring and mosquitoes are in the air! Call Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire at (603) 538-3125 to begin your 2021 Litchfield mosquito control regimen.
If you believe you have been bitten by a mosquito and are feeling sick, please consult a doctor.