Ticks are Here in Southern New Hampshire
Posted by Mosquito Squad
December 20, 2023

They’re here. Not the supernatural forces from Poltergeist but tiny ticks that have already been spotted in Southern New Hampshire. Despite our not so pleasant weather later, ticks have already started to emerge around our area, which means new cases of Lyme Disease will soon be coming as well. The state of New Hampshire estimates that 60% of the deer ticks here are infected with Lyme Disease and there are additional tick-borne diseases out there as well.
What you are most likely seeing are the young, nymph ticks that are more active from early spring to late summer. These nymph ticks are also the ones most likely to spread disease and they can be very small and difficult to see. Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire offers some tips, called the 6 C’s, on how to protect your family from the Southern New Hampshire ticks and the diseases they can spread.
1. Clear – Clear out the areas where ticks thrive: moist, shady areas like dead tree limbs and compost piles.
2. Clean– Keep your yard clean, your lawn cut short and the perimeter free of overgrowth. This will prevent ticks from finding places to hide.
3. Check their hiding places – Ticks likes to hide while waiting for their next blood meal to come along. Check your fences, rocky area and retaining walls. They also like wet areas like creek beds and ponds.
4. Choose plants – There are a variety of plants that deter deer, the favored host of ticks. Using these plants in your yard will keep deer and the ticks hitching a ride from entering your yard.
5. Care for family pets – Your pets are just as likely to get a tick bite in your yard and can suffer from Lyme Diseases as well. Make sure you check your pets carefully and frequently and stay up to date with their flea and tick control from your veterinarian.
6. Call the Pros – To eliminate up to 90% of ticks in your yard, call Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire. Our proven 2-step tick control and prevention service utilizes a 21-day barrier sprays to eliminate ticks on the vegetation in your yard and tick tubes that target the younger nymph ticks residing in rodents dens.
If you do find a tick on yourself, family member or your pets, proper removal is important. While there are many techniques and tools out there, the Center for Disease Control suggests using a regular pair of tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and steadily pull upward. Avoid any twisting motion that could leave the mouth of the tick in tact. Follow up by cleaning the area with soap and water or rubbing alcohol.
Now is the time to call Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire. The trees in our area are just starting to bud and will quickly become favored areas for the ticks we have already seen. Having our barrier treatment and tick tubes protecting your yard is most effective when we start early to prevent ticks from entering in the first place. Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire is ready to stop ticks in their tracks with our proven dual protection tick control and prevention treatment.