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Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire Keeps Residents Safe from All Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire Keeps Residents Safe from All Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

CHIKV, WNV, EEE. What are all these acronyms and why should you be aware of them? They are all mosquito-borne virus and they are being transmitted at record pace. That’s why now is more important than ever to be aware of mosquitoes in your yard and have your yard treated by Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire.

Of the three viruses, CHIKV, or Chickungunya is of the highest concern to us right now. That is because it is spreading so quickly throughout the United States and while no cases are thought to be spread by mosquitoes in the U.S. at the moment, the concern is that it will begin soon. What is happening is that U.S. residents are traveling to places where mosquitoes are spreading the disease, specifically the Caribbean. When bitten on their luxury vacations, they return home with symptoms of the disease. Officials believe that the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, which are present in the United States, could bite an infected person and begin the transmission to others here in Southern New Hampshire as well as throughout the United States.

Symptoms typically begin four to eight days after transmission. Here’s what to look for if you believe you have been bitten:

  • Abrupt onset of fever frequently accompanied by joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Rash

The good, the bad and the ugly:

Good: Most patients recover fully but the joint pain they experience may last several months or even years.

Bad: There is no vaccine or cure for the disease although the symptoms can be treated.

Keep calm and call the squad Ugly: Symptoms are very common to another mosquito-transmitted disease and can be misdiagnosed as dengue fever. Additionally, cases of eye, neurological and heart complications have been reported but serious complications are not common.

So, what can you do to protect your family? Have your yard treated by Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire. Our barrier treatment has three levels of protection for the most effective mosquito control around. The barrier treatment first eliminates mosquitoes on contact when they land on the treated vegetation in your yard. It then continues working efficiently for 21 days to eradicate any additional mosquitoes. Third, it creates a barrier around your property to keep other mosquitoes out. Our barrier treatment is so effective it will eliminate up to 90% of mosquitoes in your treated area.

With Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire’s proactive protection throughout the system, you be able to freely use you yard without the worry of any mosquito borne illnesses and you’ll feel confident your family is safe all season long. Getting started with our barrier treatment is as easy as calling our office at (603) 538-3125. One call will set up our barrier treatment every 21 days so you’ll be protected throughout the season. It’s the assurance you can trust from the best mosquito eliminators in Southern New Hampshire.

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