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Is it too late for mosquito control in Merrimack?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Is it too late for mosquito control in Merrimack?

We can answer the question about whether it is too late for Merrimack mosquito control in two ways.

July 2021 was the rainiest on record in New Hampshire. And though we will begin to see late summer weather cool soon, it is not too late for mosquito control this year. We recommend professional Merrimack mosquito control from springtime through fall. Think April through late October. If you are currently on Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire’s mosquito control schedule, it is not time to halt your service. Now, the second way to answer the question – “too late” in reference to the time of day.

Why is it important to have Merrimack mosquito control for evening outdoor parties?

We get it, you work away from home eight or more hours each day. The daytime yard work takes place during only a few hours on the weekend or your other days off. Perhaps you even hire a yard maintenance crew to perform those tasks. If you spend more time outdoors in the evening, you might think that you don’t have a huge need for professional Merrimack mosquito control. But that line of thinking is incorrect.

Some mosquitoes bite at night.

Imagine a temperate late summer or early fall evening. There is no better time to invite friends and family for an outdoor dinner party, right? Now, imagine your beautiful dinner setting being invaded by night-feeding mosquitoes, who are not there for your meal – you are their meal! And so are your guests. No one wants to have their perfect outdoor party venue ruined by biting mosquitoes, whether it’s day or night.

The Asian tiger mosquito, which is capable of transmitting Zika virus and dengue fever, prefers feeding in the morning through late afternoon. So, while you are doing landscaping, yard work, or enjoying the late morning sun outside your home, you could encounter this mosquito. She could invite herself to your midday cookouts or your kids’ play dates too. However, the Culex pipiens, also known as the common house mosquito, prefers hunting for blood meals at night. This little buzzy mosquito is responsible for the spread of diseases, like West Nile and St. Louis encephalitis viruses. We must consider that even if this nighttime feeder is not infected with harmful illnesses, the female still needs blood to fertilize her eggs. Even if you are unlikely to contract illness from her nighttime biting, she could still ruin a great dinner party with nuisance biting.

Don’t allow mosquitoes to ruin your end-of-season get-togethers. Even if you are not on our regular mosquito yard treatment, you might consider our special event mosquito mist to keep the mosquitoes away during your outdoor entertaining – day or night!

Mosquito Squad of Southern New Hampshire will help protect your family against the threat of mosquito bites. Call us at (603) 538-3125 for all your Merrimack mosquito control needs.

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