Browntail Moth Control

Browntail Moth Control for Southern Maine

Infestation Control by Mosquito Squad of Southern Maine

Although browntail moth season is typically June through August, the time to control infestation and prevent poisonous hair encounters is now. The best time to remove nests is winter or early-spring, when the larvae are dormant. Removal of the cocoons, which are full of the toxic hair, can be done to infested trees and structures through careful, expert handling. Our team of skilled Scarborough pest control specialists at Mosquito Squad of Southern Maine can help to control the browntail moth population on your property, so that you have a front line of defense when larvae begin to hatch.

Why Take Steps to Control Infestation?

Maine is home to many insect species as well as many health issues. Browntail moths cause damage to trees in the adult stage. It is when they are in the caterpillar stage that causes health issues. In Maine, browntail moths will spin filaments that will fold leaves and give their eggs shelter as they move into the next life stage. As they emerge as caterpillars, they have brown fur that can cause Poison Ivy type rashes and respiratory issues. Even after they complete metamorphosis into the adult stages, the fur can remain. It is recommended to treat as the trees begin to bud.

Mosquito Squad of Southern Maine is now providing treatment for browntail moths as well as education on the species. The mid-coast area of Maine is where we see the most activity. Areas of Yarmouth, Freeport, Brunswick and Bath have shown the highest populations as well as our Downeast region. Apple and oak trees are the most common trees affected by browntail moths. There are other trees not native to Maine that can be affected as well. This is the time of year to check. If you see curled leaves, chances are your tree is infested. You can remove the leaves and place them in a bucket of soapy water for 24 hours to kill them. For areas you cannot reach, it is best to seek treatment from professionals. There are different ways to treat for browntail moths. Each professional will have their own methods. We at Mosquito Squad of Southern Maine have done our research and will use the most effective treatments that are the most environmentally friendly as we do with all of our applications for ticks and mosquitoes. We traditionally use injectable capsules to treat. This allows us to treat close to water and avoid affecting any off-target insects that benefit tree health.

Maine has its challenges in terms of weather and pests. But as well all know, we have the blessing to live where many come to vacation because of the natural beauty. Mosquito Squad of Southern Maine is here to help you enjoy your yard!

Actions to reduce exposure and prevent skin or respiratory response include:

  • Cover exposed areas of skin and wear a respirator if you have asthma.
  • Clean lawn and patio furniture before use.
  • Avoid infested areas when driving or keep windows closed.
  • Dampen areas of your yard if you must do yardwork or do outdoor work when the air is moist.
  • Wash clothes and do not sit or lay on indoor furniture in clothes that may have hair on them.
  • Shower in cool water if you believe you were exposed.

Your best prevention is to proactively remove or treat cocoons and nests before the hundreds of larvae are born from them. Our team can help you combat the browntail moth. Let us keep you and your family safe this season.

Contact Mosquito Squad at (207) 387-8107.

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