Lyme Disease Prevention


Unfortunately, the entire Southeastern Massachusetts region is no stranger to Lyme Disease. Massachusetts is second in the nation for confirmed cases of Lyme Disease. Currently, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 95% of all cases of Lyme Disease are concentrated in 14 states in New England and the upper Midwest. Lyme Disease is transmitted from the bite of infected deer ticks, also called black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis).


Deer ticks are among the smallest of ticks. Fully developed adults are no larger than an apple seed, and nymphs are the size of a coffee ground. It is when they are larvae, that the young ticks become infected with the bacteria responsible for Lyme Disease: Borrelia burgdorferi.

Ticks develop, grow, and feed initially in the dens or nests of small rodents. Once they emerge, as nymphs, they crawl up on to tall grass or low branches and wait for a passing deer, dog, or human to attach themselves to. Lyme disease is spread to the host, when ticks remain attached for 36 – 48 hours. If removed before that time, the chances of infection are greatly reduced. Therefore, daily tick checks, and prompt tick removal are an extremely important part of Lyme Disease prevention.


The #1 form of protection from Lyme Disease is preventing contact with ticks and this starts where you spend the most time – your yard. Mosquito Squad of Southeastern Massachusetts provides a barrier treatment tick control service. We apply a barrier treatment around the perimeter of your yard. The tick treatment service reduces adult ticks on contact and continues to work for approximately the next 21 days until we come treat your yard again. For additional protection, we can place tick tubes on your property twice a year to reduce larval and nymph ticks when they are nesting with their rodent hosts during the cooler months – greatly reducing tomorrow’s disease carrying ticks today.

Follow these recommendations in and around your yard:

  • Clear your yard of any natural debris, such as leaf piles and abandoned litter. Warm, dank, dark places are ticks natural habitat.
  • Clean and maintain your lawn: grass mowed short, and all debris tidied up.
  • Choose non-friendly deer plants. Deer carry many ticks.
  • Check favorite hiding places for ticks. This would include retaining walls, fences, and brick walls.
  • Care for your pets, especially dogs, with tick repellant. (Be sure to follow your Veterinarian's advice on the right product for your pet).
  • Call the professionals, like Mosquito Squad of Southeastern Massachusetts for barrier treatment protection and strategic tick tube placement. Rodents use the cotton in these tubes to line their dens. This method of treatment reduces ticks while still in the larva stage without endangering the rodents.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease include:

  • headaches
  • fever
  • joint pain, particularly in larger joints, like the knees muscle pain
  • “bullseye” rash at bite site that expands as the days go by
  • partial paralysis, especially in the face
  • meningitis


There is effective tick control! At Mosquito Squad, we specialize in tick prevention and reduction. Our service is backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease and heartworms are all carried by ticks and mosquitoes! Mosquito Squad of Southeastern Mass gives you added protection from dangerous mosquito and tick diseases with our proven effective, barrier sprays.

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