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How Bad Will the 2021 Mosquito Season Be?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

How Bad Will the 2021 Mosquito Season Be?

When it Comes to Mosquitoes, It’s the Weather; It’s Always the Weather

Mosquitoes in Southeastern Massachusetts. How bad will they be this year? Isn’t there a reliable way to know so we can plan for it?

Let’s take it back all the way to elementary school teasing. First comes love, then comes marriage. With mosquitoes, first comes rain, then come eggs, then comes mosquitoes ruining your beautiful day!

The number one indicator for the severity of mosquito season in a given year is the weather. While we may be celebrating a mild winter, enjoying a lower heating bill, and a little more outdoor time – there will come a time when we have to pay the piper.

What does a mild winter mean for the coming mosquito season?

Mild winters mean that dormant mosquitoes and mosquito eggs better survive the winter for a spring hatching. Right out of the gates, if nothing else happens, we start with more mosquitoes.

Secondly, mild winters commonly end with a bang. A sizeable early spring snowstorm is a perfect way to end a gentle winter, am I right? Snow eventually melts – now we’re talking mosquito paradise. Add spring rain into an already saturated ground, and we are set for a mosquito explosion.



I mean, we’re talking enough mosquitoes to lift you up and carry you away to their secret lair.

Not really.

But, a lot of water after a mild winter and you can definitely expect a worse than average mosquito season.

Don’t forget to follow the Ts of mosquito control as your checklist for eliminating standing water on your property.

Don’t Forget the Ticks

We know that ticks are out of sight, out of mind for only a short period in the winter. But, we want to be sure to remind you, that a mild winter allows the ticks to be out and about. They don’t mind cool temperatures. As long as they are not buried in snow, they can be out questing for their next blood meal.

If you’ve been outdoors enjoying more time in the yard this winter, please be sure to check for ticks when you come back in.

For both mosquitoes and ticks, Mosquito Squad can lower the volume of these dangerous pests on your property no matter the weather. Our barrier treatment eliminates up to 90% of mosquitoes and adult ticks on your property. Sign up for season-long mosquito and tick control treatments to get the full benefits of automatic regular barrier treatment of your property and for the best tick control available, combine with tick tube applications. Request your free estimate today.

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