Eastern Equine Encephalitis Detected In Middleborough: Are Your Horses Safe?
Posted by Mosquito Squad
August 1, 2016
CBS Boston reports that EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) has been detected in a mosquito in Middleborough, Massachusetts, as of July 15th. The Public Health Department states that there have been no human cases as of yet this year and were none last year, so they do not consider any elevated risk at this point. However because there is a potential for fatality in humans, precautions such as insect repellant and limited outdoor time should be taken. You can continue to follow risk levels on the Health and Human services’ website.
Horses Face the Biggest Threat from EEE
The horse population is generally the main victim of EEE, a mosquito-borne illness. The death rate among those that contract EEE is 75-90%. Visible symptoms can include fever, depression, loss of appetite, weakness, lack of coordination caused by a central nervous system disorder, irritability and aggressiveness, blindness, and abnormal sensitivity to light and sound. The horses that do survive are likely to show permanent brain damage.
The good news is that there is a vaccine for EEE in horses. The Department of Animal Science from the University of Connecticut suggests vaccination at least once a year. They go on to further suggest possible vaccination every six months if near the coast, where mosquitoes are more prevalent and live for a longer period of time. They also suggest fans in your horse buildings, covering your horses with fly sheets, removing standing and stagnant water, keeping gutters along outbuildings and barns clear, avoiding rides or turning your horses out at dawn or dusk when mosquito activity is higher, and avoid turning on lights in or near stables after dusk. Because the outcome of EEE for your precious animals is most likely bleak, prevention is absolutely paramount.
EEE Can Affect Humans Too
The truth being that human contraction of EEE is rare does not change the severity of it. In reference to humans the CDC calls Eastern Equine Encephalitis “the most severe mosquito-transmitted diseases in the United States with approximately 33% mortality and significant brain damage in most survivors”.
Protect Your Pets, Your Family, Your Business
Mosquito Squad of Southeastern Mass wants to help keep you protected from all Middleborough mosquito-borne illness. First, we urge you to take precaution by following the 5 Ts of mosquito protection and rid your yard, farm, or stables of anything that can promote mosquito breeding. Second… call us. Our traditional barrier treatment will eliminate 85-90% of all mosquitoes on your property or our automated misting system will create continuous protection all season long; a great solution for horse stables. We work hard to create a plan that works for your individual needs. Whether your horses are an economic investment or a beloved family pet, we want to help you keep them safe from mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. Our services always include our 100% satisfaction guarantee!