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You Might Not See Them, But Ticks Are There; Here’s How We Help Defend You

Posted by Mosquito Squad

January 28, 2025

Unlike mosquitoes, which make their presence known immediately, ticks are an entirely different ballgame. Both ticks and mosquitoes seek us out for blood, but ticks don’t demonstrate the typical buzzing and painful biting we encounter with mosquitoes. Ticks, as you may have experienced before, deliver painless bites that can easily go unnoticed without looking carefully, and they do this intentionally. These parasites can remain attached to their hosts for up to two weeks, sucking up blood in the process and potentially transmitting disease. Indeed, ticks are a common host for a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease. You should avoid a tick bite whenever possible as some diseases can be transmitted within minutes (these are rare), and you only have around 24 hours before a tick carrying this bacteria will transmit it to you. Deer ticks of nearly every maturity level can transmit this disease, the most common being nymph ticks, the poppy seed-sized adolescent stage of deer ticks. In addition to frequent tick checks, professional Woodlyn tick control is vital to keep most dangerous ticks at bay.


How Our Woodlyn Tick Control Works

Instead of constantly worrying about ticks and where they could be on your property, rely on our team for powerful Woodlyn tick control solutions that are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. When applied around the perimeter of your property and on potential tick hot spots by our highly trained technicians, you can expect a dramatic reduction in the tick population on your property for three weeks at a time! Few other tick control options on the market today are as effective and long-lasting, and with one or two treatments per month, you can take full advantage of your outdoor lifestyle at last!


Rely on Mosquito Squad for Tick Control in Woodlyn, PA for Proven Results

For two decades, the team at Mosquito Squad has been at the cutting edge of tick control, providing our neighbors with exceptional pest control options they can feel confident in. Instead of taking risks with ticks, help defend against them with powerful Woodlyn tick control from our team of experts at Mosquito Squad. Give us a call today at (610) 463-0507 to learn more about us and what we can do for you!

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