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How Long Do Ticks Attach?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

January 28, 2025

Ticks are a serious threat to our outdoor lifestyles and health, so it is crucial we understand the ways these parasites interact with humans. Ticks can remain attached for up to two weeks, highlighting the importance of preventative measures. Professional tick control is an easy solution to handle these pests.


Why is Woodlyn Tick Control Vital?

There are many reasons you should avoid tick encounters. For example, ticks can stay on their hosts for up to two weeks after embedding themselves in the skin, but it takes much less time for them to transmit serious infections to humans. Indeed, Lyme disease can infect individuals in as little time as 24 to 48 hours. It might seem like an embedded tick should be obvious, but this isn’t always the case. Ticks are very particular when it comes to choosing a place to bite, and when they do it is often in an area of the body that is hard to reach or see like the armpits, scalp, or near our nether regions. So, there are a few strategies to lessen the likelihood of a tick bite. First and foremost, if you spend a significant amount of time outside or in the woods, perform a comprehensive tick check whenever you return indoors.


Ticks can take a long time to choose a location to embed themselves, so you may find a tick before it bites you. Second, and most crucially, professional Woodlyn tick control is one of the best ways to fight back against ticks attempting to establish themselves on your property. By applying our tick control treatments to your yard's perimeter and tick hot spots, we can guarantee a significant reduction in tick population on your property for weeks at a time.

Woodlyn Tick Control to Combat Ticks from the Experts

At Mosquito Squad, we’ve worked for two decades to provide our customers with exceptional solutions to their pest issues. Woodlyn tick control is one such treatment we offer, and we back it with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!


Ticks can remain attached for up to two weeks. Help fight against them with expert Woodlyn tick control from Mosquito Squad. Give us a call today at (610) 463-0507 to learn more about us and what we can do for you!

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