Are autumn pests dangerous?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Are autumn pests dangerous?

Isn’t it strange how many new pests we encounter in the fall? What are they all doing here? Are any of them dangerous?

Fall is a trendy season. Us humans flock gourd patches with pumpkin spice lattes in-hand, snapping autumn themed photos for our social media accounts. Know what else loves fall? Insects and arachnids! Many of these seasonal visitors have the same intentions. Many seek warmth, which is found on the sunny side of your home. And if they are lucky, they will find their way inside, so they can overwinter in comfort. We have all seen them. Ladybugs, stink bugs, and seed bugs too.

Are these little critters bad for our health and happiness?

While they can really become annoying, beetles, stink bugs, and seed bugs are not dangerous to our health. The key is to make sure you keep large congregations away from your home – and in doing this, out of your home. And if you think they are only looking for interior spaces to live, think again. These creeps will breach cracks in your foundation and siding and will be content to make it inside your walls, your crawl space, or other unseen areas. A bit of bug-busting and home maintenance will go a long way to keep these guys out of your home.

  • Vacuum them up in a shop vac and destroy them
  • Seal cracks in and around your windows, siding, and crawl spaces

There is one autumnal pest that can be very dangerous to your health.

Ticks are out in full force in the fall. As they are mostly adult ticks looking for a final blood meal to fertilize their eggs, you might even be under the impression that there are more ticks out this time of year. And while there are not more ticks out in the fall, they are questing with purpose!

Adult female ticks’ bites can pack a punch too. Make sure that you do not fall victim to a Lyme-infected tick bite this fall or winter. Call on Mosquito Squad of Rhode Island for fall and winter tick control! Unlike our spring and summer tick control efforts, our late fall and winter method is “set-it-and-forget-it.” We will place tick-eliminating tick tubes around your property, where ticks might or their favorite blood hosts bed down in the late fall and winter, thereby reducing the number of emerging ticks on your property in the spring.

Mosquito Squad of Rhode Island’s year-round tick protection plan will help you reduce the number of ticks around your home. You can connect with us right here to discuss your tick control options.

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