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What Controls Ticks When Winter Subsides?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

What Controls Ticks When Winter Subsides?

As much as we all enjoy the warm summer months and the relief they provide from cold, there are drawbacks to this season. Warmth is the friend of most life on earth, signaling a time of growth and prosperity for much of the animal kingdom, but not all life is friendly. If you live in the Northeast, you probably have a good idea of what we’re hinting at. Although humans are at the top of the food chain, we are very susceptible to parasites, including the ticks that call this area home. Each year, adult ticks and young tick nymphs emerge from their winter hidey-holes with ravenous hunger, and a tick won’t hesitate to latch onto you or a family member at first encounter. Thankfully, there are solutions available to significantly lower the chances that you are bitten by a tick on your property.

Highstown tick control is important

You’ve been bitten by bugs before without ill effects, so why should you be concerned about ticks of all things? If you are asking yourself this question, you may have never had to yank out a tick that has fully embedded itself in your flesh. That’s right, ticks depend on blood meals and will siphon blood out of your veins until they have had their fill. Unlike mosquitoes, which just need a few seconds to get a full bellyful of blood to feed their young, a tick can stay attached to you for a period of 3 to 10 days. Talk about a personal space violation of the highest order.

Unfortunately, this parasite can have a darker side that threatens the long-term health of their human victims. Ticks are indiscriminate in their feeding habits. Any sort of animal walks by, and a tick is happy to tag along for a meal on the go. What does this have to do with humans, though? When ticks go from host to host, they can come in contact with blood from mice and other creatures that carry Lyme disease and varieties of dangerous bacteria. Symptoms of Lyme disease are often flu-like and are frequently associated with a virus rather than the tick attached to your body. If this disease goes untreated, symptoms have been known to worsen and even cause painful, swollen joints, neurological ailments, and memory impairment. Once cured, you can also experience lingering symptoms for weeks to months afterwards.

Ticks might seem non-threatening, but such an assumption plays with risks that could profoundly damage your health and the health of your loved ones. Don’t take risks. Mosquito Squad of Princeton has the tools to defend against these backyard parasites.

Treatments for tick control in Highstown

Mosquito Squad offers a few kinds of tick control, including border protection mist. Applied around your property’s perimeter and in areas suspected to house many ticks, our mist is proven as both a pesticide and a powerful deterrent for ticks trying to enter your property. No tick defense is impenetrable, but our original and naturalborder protection sprays are proven to dramatically reduce the chances that you will encounter a Lyme disease infected tick.

For year-round protection, we offer tick tubes. These devices consist of a biodegradable tube filled with a pesticide-treated cotton that mice are known to enjoy using in their nests. You’re probably thinking, “Why on earth would you provide nesting materials for a mouse that could carry Lyme disease?” However, there is a clever logic to this strategy. Mice can’t spread Lyme disease to you directly – ticks are the delivery method. When mice take their pesticide-cotton back to their nests, they are unharmed, but the ticks that like to shelter and feed in mice nests are instantly eliminated. By removing the ticks that come in contact, you not only reduce the tick population, but you also get rid of the ticks that could have given you or your family Lyme disease. In this way, mice act as our little helpers to eradicate the ticks that we couldn’t reach in their burrows!

If you are looking for powerful Highstown tick control, look no further than Mosquito Squad of Princeton. Give us a call at (609) 778-1797.