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Are Ticks More Active in the Spring?

Posted by Mosquito Squad

December 20, 2023

Are Ticks More Active in the Spring?

If you live in Princeton, New Jersey, then you are probably aware of the enormous tick population that is present in the area. Over the past few years, tick populations have increased significantly in the Northeast region of the US, including Princeton. These increases are due to various reasons, including habitat restoration, shifting food sources, and warming climate conditions. However, ticks can cause serious health concerns, including the transmission of dangerous diseases. Therefore, it's necessary to get tick control services from professionals such as Mosquito Squad of Princeton, especially as tick activity increases during the summer as they emerge from their winter shelters.

Princeton tick control is vital this spring

Ticks are present throughout the year, but they become more active in the spring and fall seasons. Adult ticks that didn’t get a blood meal in the late fall are emerging ravenously, and nymph ticks are coming out in mid to late spring. Ticks are parasitic creatures that can attach to humans and animals and feed on their blood, much to unhappiness of the hosts. They can also transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and more that can have devastating health consequences.

Although tick-borne diseases are prevalent throughout the US, the Northeast region has seen a significant rise in Lyme disease cases in recent years. According to the CDC, there were over 33,000 confirmed cases of Lyme disease reported in 2019. The number of unreported cases is even higher. In the United States as a whole, for example, somewhere around 475,000+ people are infected with the disease every year. The severity of these tick-borne diseases can range from mild to severe, with some cases leading to long-term health concerns. The best way to defend yourself and your loved ones from ticks is to get professional tick control services. There are a few things you can do on your own as well, such as clearing leaf litter, yard waste, and other moist, dark habitats that ticks enjoy. Cedar chips are also an effective tick control measure, as they naturally make your property less attractive. However, these measures are not as effective as professional tick control services.

Where to find tick control in Princeton

At Mosquito Squad of Princeton, we offer effective tick control services that can keep you and your loved ones safe. Our tick barrier treatments are highly effective at defending against ticks, and it lasts for up to 21 days. With almost 20 years of experience in the industry, we are committed to defending our customers against ticks and the diseases they can carry. Princeton tick control is especially important as ticks become active in spring. Trust Mosquito Squad of Princeton for powerful defense! Give us a call at (609) 778-1797.

Also read: Can a yard be infested with ticks?

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