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Tick Control in Oklahoma City

Posted by Mosquito Squad

July 5, 2024

Every summer, it seems like our phone is ringing off the hook. Customers across the United States begin to see an increase in ticks as the weather turns warmer. Why us? Mosquito Squad delivers effective tick control methods in a customer-focused way that makes people feel well cared for.

Why Is Tick Control Important?

Ticks can transmit various diseases, which is often the reason people are eager to get rid of any ticks they come across in their yards. Each of these diseases has its own set of symptoms and risks. A lengthy but incomplete list of common tick-borne illnesses follows:

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

  • Associated with: American dog tick, lone star tick, brown dog tick
  • Symptoms: Abrupt fever, vomiting, stomach pain, muscle pain; the most significant symptom is a rash that spreads quickly across the body
  • This disease can be fatal if left untreated.

Lyme Disease

  • Associated with: Blacklegged tick
  • Symptoms: Distinctive bullseye rash, fever, fatigue, joint pain
  • Lyme is the most common tick-borne illness in the U.S., affecting around half a million Americans each year. It can cause issues in joints and nerves months after the initial illness.


  • Associated with: Blacklegged tick, lone star tick, brown dog tick (canine strain)
  • Symptoms: Headaches, fatigue, reduced white blood cell count
  • The reduction in white blood cells can cause a specific type of anemia. Early antibiotic treatment is important to reduce the risk for severe problems, including damage to the brain and nervous system, respiratory failure, organ failure, and even death.


  • Associated with:  American dog tick, lone star tick
  • Symptoms: Inflammation, ulcers, swollen lymph glands
  • The presence of the disease is signaled by an ulcer at the site of the bite, followed by the swelling of lymph glands.

Alpha-gal Syndrome

  • Associated with: lone star tick
  • Causes severe allergy to red meat
  • While not technically a disease in the same way as the rest of this list, alpha-gal is triggered by the bite of a lone star tick. It isn't treatable but can be managed with dietary changes.

Remember: Early detection and treatment are crucial for most tick-borne diseases. If you've been in tick-prone areas and experience unusual symptoms, consult a healthcare professional promptly.

How can I control ticks at home?

There are a few steps you can take at home that can help mitigate problematic tick activity in and around your home. However, these preventative measures are not foolproof; they are just additional layers of protection. For the most thorough defense against tick infestations, professional tick control services are your best option.

  • Yard Maintenance: Ticks like to hide in tall grass and other places that make it easy to hide. Mow your lawn regularly in the warmer months, keeping it 3 inches or less. Keep your yard clear of leaf litter and other yard debris.
  • Pet Care: Ticks are a problem for pets, too. Preventative tick medication prescribed by your veterinarian should be regularly administered.
  • Personal Protection: When you plan to spend a lot of time outside, especially in areas with tall grasses or a lot of brush, wear long sleeves and tuck long pants into socks. When you return inside, check your body (or that of your loved ones and pets) thoroughly from check. Pay special attention to hidden areas, such as behind ears, under arms, and inside the belly button.

These measures are a good first step towards managing a tick problem, but even if you are diligent, you may still be at risk for exposure to tick bites.

Professional Tick Control Services

If you really want to get a handle on a tick problem, you can trust Mosquito Squad for a powerful tick control solution. Our signature protective barrier treatment can make a huge difference in the number of ticks living around your home, thus also reducing the risk of the transmission of tick-borne diseases. Once our technicians apply the treatment on your property, you'll begin to notice a significant reduction in the tick population. Consistent reapplication is necessary to maintain continuous control. We offer a subscription plan that prompts our team to visit your home every three weeks like clockwork to reapply treatment.

Why Choose Mosquito Squad?

At Mosquito Squad, our top priority is your satisfaction. Our specialty is providing customers with effective pest control solutions alongside unbeatable service. Don't wait for tick-borne diseases to strike; take the first step towards tick control today. Contact us for a free quote by calling (405) 792-0230 or filling out our online contact form.

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