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Pet-Friendly Pest Control: Tips and Tricks from Mosquito Squad’s Professionals

Posted by Mosquito Squad

January 31, 2025

At Mosquito Squad, we specialize in pest control treatments that have been proven effective in fighting back against these mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and more. The result is a happier, more comfortable environment for you and your pets to enjoy.

Why Pest Control Matters for Pet Owners 

The most common pests that bother pets are mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. All three are problematic because of their tendency to bite. When they do so, the exchange of saliva into the bloodstream of the host can lead to itchy and uncomfortable allergic reactions. Pets often respond to these reactions by biting, licking, and scratching themselves, which could result in infection.


The potential for allergic reactions is not the only reason pest control is important if you’re a pet owner. Mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas are each associated with a host of diseases. For example, dogs are vulnerable to heartworms, which are carried by mosquitoes. Ticks, too, can spread dangerous diseases and have contributed to the rise of canine ehrlichiosis. Fleas, on the other hand, carry dangerous bacteria and parasites that can affect dogs, cats, and other animals.

The Benefits of Professional Pest Control for Pets 

If you notice your pets being bothered by a bug or two, it’s likely that there’s an even bigger problem happening where you can’t see. By the time they’ve been spotted by the naked eye, these pests tend to have already laid hundreds of eggs, which will lead to bigger infestations later on. Our Mosquito Squad pest control solutions disrupt breeding cycles so that fewer offspring reach maturity. Plus, our technicians target the areas where pests thrive, so we’re able to take out a greater percentage of the population. This proactive approach both minimizes pest populations and decreases the chances of pets bringing unwanted guests into your home. 

Is Mosquito Spray Okay for Pets? 

If you’ve had your yard or home treated for pests by a professional, and enough time has passed, your pets are okay to be out in the yard. Mosquito Squad uses products specifically formulated to target insects, so they’re less likely to affect mammals, birds, and reptiles. Our technicians are meticulous in their application, and make sure the treatment adheres to foliage and surfaces rather than remaining airborne. For added peace of mind, we recommend keeping pets out of the treated area until the spray has dried completely, usually within half an hour.

How Long After Mosquito Spray Can Pets Go Outside? 

After a mosquito spray treatment, pets should stay indoors for approximately 30 minutes. This allows the spray to dry and settle onto surfaces like grass, shrubs, and plants. Once dry, the treatment won’t transfer to your pet’s paws or fur.

Preparing Your Home and Yard for Pest Control Treatments

We want your pets to stay healthy and for you to experience the highest level of satisfaction. In order to achieve this, it’s important to prepare your home so that our technicians can effectively work while keeping your furry friends out of harm’s way. Here’s how you can prepare:

  1. Let the technicians know what kinds of pets you have and where they are likely to be during the treatment.
  2. During the treatment, keep pets indoors or in a confined area, such as a kennel or a separate room. If you have outdoor animals like chickens or rabbits, move them to a secure spot away from the treatment zone.
  3. Ensure all gates are properly latched and secure to prevent pets from accidentally escaping while technicians are working.
  4. Items like food bowls, water dishes, toys, and bedding should be brought indoors or stored away to avoid exposure to pest control products.
  5. Clear any clutter, such as toys, pet waste, or leaf piles, from the yard. This makes it easier for technicians to access pest-prone areas like shrubs and tall grass.

Experience the Mosquito Squad Difference 

At Mosquito Squad, we understand the unique needs of pet owners when it comes to pest control. We’re here to keep your home protected for every member of your family—two-legged and four-legged alike. 


Get started today with a free quote when you call us at (405) 792-0230 or fill out our contact form!


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