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Partner with Mosquito Squad for Tick Control in Oklahoma City

Posted by Mosquito Squad

October 18, 2024

Tick activity in Oklahoma City is most common from May to November, but it’s a good idea to stay alert year-round because some ticks remain active even beyond this period. In order to avoid the risk of tick-borne disease, it’s important to make sure you have a solid strategy for managing ticks throughout the year. Mosquito Squad is here to help with our effective tick control solutions.

Why is tick control important?

Ticks are notorious for the dangerous diseases they transmit. These diseases range in severity, but all of them have the potential to cause serious complications, especially if treatment is delayed. If you have recently spent time in outdoor areas with a high prevalence of ticks and you think you may be experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, you should seek medical attention.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Oklahoma is particularly vulnerable to this disease, which may also be known by its acronym, RMSF. It is most associated with the American dog tick, and around 3% of ticks in the state are infected with the disease. Symptoms usually begin within two weeks of a tick bite, and include the sudden onset of fever, fatigue, headache, and muscle soreness. Around 3-5 days after the fever begins, you may notice a rash on the extremities. Antibiotics can help treat the disease, but treatment must be prompt.

Lyme Disease 

This bacterial disease is primarily transmitted by the black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick. Symptoms usually appear within 3 days to a month following a tick bite and may include fever, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. One of the hallmark signs of Lyme disease is a bullseye-shaped rash, though this does not occur in every infected individual. Early diagnosis and prompt antibiotic treatment are essential to prevent long-term complications such as arthritis or neurological issues.


Ehrlichiosis is a growing concern in Oklahoma. It is primarily transmitted by the Lone Star tick. Symptoms tend to appear within 1-2 weeks of a bite. Common early signs include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and sometimes nausea. Unlike other tick-borne diseases, a rash is less common but may appear in some cases. If left untreated, the illness can become severe, leading to complications such as difficulty breathing or damage to organs. Antibiotic treatment is highly effective.

Where are ticks most often found?

In Oklahoma, ticks are most frequently found in dense brush, tall grasses, and wooded areas, particularly along trails or the edges of fields. They thrive in humid, shaded environments especially. In your backyard, you may find them hiding in leaf litter, woodpiles, or overgrown vegetation. Yards with unmaintained grass or nearby forests are common tick habitats, and the risk of encounters is increased in these areas.

How can tick control help?

You can take several precautions at home to reduce the risk of disease transmission. Keeping your yard well-maintained is key, along with promptly clearing yard debris and eliminating potential tick hiding spots. Consider installing barriers to keep deer away from your property because ticks often travel on their backs. When outdoors, wear long sleeves and apply tick repellent, and always conduct thorough tick checks on yourself, pets, and children before going inside. Additionally, make sure your pets are up to date with their tick prevention medications.

If you’re looking for reliable and truly effective tick control, you’re in luck with Mosquito Squad. Our technicians will assess your property to determine where ticks most often gather and breed. This will help us target the best areas for the application of our potent barrier protection treatment. Ongoing defense is important, so make sure to opt into our subscription plan for regular applications every three weeks so that the tick population near your home stays low. 

Choose Mosquito Squad for Powerful Tick Control in Oklahoma City

Tick-borne diseases are not worth the risk - take action against ticks today when you contact us for a free quote. Just call (405) 792-0230 or fill out our online contact form!

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